New Jersey Fy2014 Conservation Innovation Grant (cig)

The summary for the New Jersey Fy2014 Conservation Innovation Grant (cig) grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the New Jersey State Office, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
New Jersey Fy2014 Conservation Innovation Grant (cig): The New Jersey State Office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS-NJ), an agency under the United States Department of Agriculture, is announcing availability of Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. Applications are accepted from all 50 States, Caribbean Area (Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands), and the Pacific Islands Area (Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands) for projects located entirely within New Jersey. NRCS-NJ anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2014 will be approximately $148,000. Applications are requested from eligible governmental or non-governmental organizations or individuals for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects between 1 and 3 years in duration. Funds will be awarded through a two-phase competitive grants process that will include (1) a pre-proposal process and (2) a full proposal process. The full proposal process will only be open to applicants whose pre-proposal applications are selected by NRCS-NJ. Both phases are described in this announcement, but only pre-proposals are being solicited at this time. This notice identifies the objectives, eligibility criteria, and application instructions for CIG projects. Applications will be screened for completeness and compliance with the provisions of this notice. Incomplete applications will be eliminated from competition, and notification of elimination will be mailed to the applicant. NRCS will request a full proposal package only from those applicants selected in the pre-proposal phase. DATES: Applications for the pre-proposal phase must be received at the NRCS-NJ State Office by 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on April 30, 2014. Notification of selected pre-proposal applications will be announced by May 12, 2014. Selected applicants will then be required to submit a full proposal package to the NRCS-NJ State Office by 4 p.m. EST on June 30, 2014. ADDRESSES: Applications sent via hand-delivery, express mail, overnight courier service or regular mail must be sent to the following address: Natural Resources Conservation Service, Conservation Innovation Grants Program, 220 Davidson Avenue 4th Floor Somerset NJ 08873. Applications sent electronically must be sent to [email protected] or For more information contact: Greg Westfall New Jersey CIG Program Manager 220 Davidson Avenue 4th Floor Somerset NJ 08873 Phone: (732) 537-6054 E-mail: [email protected]
Federal Grant Title: New Jersey Fy2014 Conservation Innovation Grant (cig)
Federal Agency Name: New Jersey State Office
Grant Categories: Agriculture Environment Natural Resources
Type of Opportunity: Mandatory
Funding Opportunity Number: USDA-NRCS-NJ-14-0001
Type of Funding: Grant
CFDA Numbers: 10.912
CFDA Descriptions: Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Current Application Deadline: Jun 30, 2014
Original Application Deadline: Jun 30, 2014
Posted Date: Mar 21, 2014
Creation Date: Mar 21, 2014
Archive Date: Jul 30, 2014
Total Program Funding: $148,000
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $75,000
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $10,000
Expected Number of Awards: 3
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
State governments
City or township governments
County governments
Link to Full Grant Announcement
New Jersey Home Page
Grant Announcement Contact
Lenora Jordan Contract Specialist Phone 732-537-6084
Point of Contact

New Jersey State Office 732-537-6096
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New Jersey Conservation Innovation Grant (Cig) is not endorsed by, or affiliated with, any government agency. Copyright ©2007-2025