Strengthening the technical capacity of the Ministry of Health to deliver a sustainable and resilient response to HIV/TB and related public health threats in the Kingdom of Eswatini under PEPFAR

The summary for the Strengthening the technical capacity of the Ministry of Health to deliver a sustainable and resilient response to HIV/TB and related public health threats in the Kingdom of Eswatini under PEPFAR grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the Centers for Disease Control-GHC, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
Strengthening the technical capacity of the Ministry of Health to deliver a sustainable and resilient response to HIV/TB and related public health threats in the Kingdom of Eswatini under PEPFAR: The Award Ceiling for Year 1 is 0 (none). CDC anticipates an Approximate Total Fiscal Year Funding amount of $3,500,000 for Year 1, subject to the availability of funds.We expect you to provide technical assistance to the Eswatini Ministry of Health (MOH) national and regional structures to strengthen programmatic leadership and oversight capacities toward ending HIV as a public health threat in Eswatini by 2030. The technical assistance you provide should systematically increase MOH ownership, accountability, and capacity to provide quality services to maintain gains made in the HIV response and accelerate progress to close remaining gaps. You will be expected to support the MOH to:Conduct strategic planning and develop policies, guidelines, and implementation plans.Strengthen health workforce capacity through development and implementation of innovative training, data-driven clinical mentorship, and continuous quality improvement (CQI) approaches, tools, and processes.Introduce evidence-based interventions.Foster innovation.Coordinate activities.Provide oversight and performance monitoring of HIV/TB and related programs.Additionally, you will be expected to strengthen organizational, financial, and technical capacity of select local entities. Emphasis should be placed on designing interventions that can be integrated into routine health delivery platforms, used across program areas, and eventually sustained through domestic funding.
Federal Grant Title: Strengthening the technical capacity of the Ministry of Health to deliver a sustainable and resilient response to HIV/TB and related public health threats in the Kingdom of Eswatini under PEPFAR
Federal Agency Name: Centers for Disease Control-GHC (HHS-CDC-GHC)
Grant Categories: Health
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: CDC-RFA-JG-25-0073
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 93.067, 93.494
CFDA Descriptions: Information not provided
Current Application Deadline: March 5th, 2025
Original Application Deadline: March 5th, 2025
Posted Date: December 17th, 2024
Creation Date: December 17th, 2024
Archive Date: April 4th, 2025
Total Program Funding: $0
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $0
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $0
Expected Number of Awards: 2
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Last Updated: December 17th, 2024
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
State governments - County governments - City or township governments - Special district governments - Independent school districts - Public and State controlled institutions of higher education - Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) - Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities - Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments) - Nonprofits having a 501 (c) (3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education - Nonprofits that do not have a 501 (c) (3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education - Private institutions of higher education - For-profit organizations other than small businesses - Small businesses - Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity below), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"
Grant Announcement Contact
Emily Dale
[email protected]
[email protected]
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