women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
NIJ Using Technology to Combat Violence Against Women Concept Paper 16.560 DOJ-GRANTS-110904-002
FY 2005 OVW Technical Assistance Program 16.526 DOJ-GRANTS-102804-001
FY 2005 NIJ Evaluation of the Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant Program Special Initiative: Faith-Based and Community Organization Pilot Program 16.560 DOJ-GRANTS-061605-001
FY 2005 NIJ Research and Evaluation on Abuse of Elderly Individuals, Older Women, and Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities 16.560 DOJ-GRANTS-050405-001
FY 2005 OVC Violence Against Older Women Education Project 16.582 DOJ-GRANTS-042005-002
FY 2004 OVW Technical Assistance Program 16.526 DOJ-GRANTS-032204-001
FY 2003 National Criminal History Improvement Program 16.554 DOJ-GRANTS-031803-001
FY 2004 OVW Grants to State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program 16.588 DOJ-GRANTS-031504-001
NIJ Violence Against Women Research and Evaluation: Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence 16.560 DOJ-GRANTS-022004-002
FY 2004 OVW Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus 16.525 DOJ-GRANTS-020404-001
FY 2005 OVW Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus 16.525 DOJ-GRANTS-012605-001
FY 2004 OVW Education and Technical Assistance To End Violence Against Women with Disabilities 16.529 DOJ-GRANTS-012604-001
FY 2005 OVW Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program 16.587 DOJ-GRANTS-011205-001
FY 2004 Ryan White Title II for District of Columbia DC-GRANTS-011304-001
Intervention and Evaluation Trials to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence 93.136 CE05-017
Epidemiologic HIV/AIDS Research Among African American and Hispanic Women at Risk for HIV Infection in the Southern United States and Puerto Rico 93.943 CDC-RFA-PS05-107
Adaptation and Evaluation of a Brief, Nurse-Delivered Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for HIV-Positive Women in the South-AMENDMENT 93.941 CDC-RFA-PS05-083Amendment
Adaptation and Evaluation of a Brief ,Nurse-Delivered Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for HIV-Positive Women in the South 93.941 CDC-RFA-PS05-083
The BioSense Initiative to Improve Early Event Detection CDC-RFA-PH--05-126
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention and Surveillance in South Africa: Developing Community-Level Strategies That Work 93.283 CDC-RFA-DD05-011
Increasing Access to HIV Counseling and Testing (VCT) and Enhancing HIV/AIDS Communications, Prevention, and Care in Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland, and Cote d'Ivoire - Updated CDC-RFA-AA006MOD
Expansion and Support of HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Information, Education, and Communication and Behavioral Change Communication Activities in Ethiopia - Modification CDC-RFA-05075MOD
Enhancing Cancer Prevention and Control Programs for American Indian/Alaska Native Women 93.283 CDC-PA04144
Practices to Improve Training Skills of Home Visitors 93.136 CDC-PA04053
Grants for Injury Control Research Centers 93.136 CDC-PA04011
Cooperative Agreement to Enhance Clinical Practices to Prevent Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and to Promote Health Among Women With Disablities 93.184 CDC-PA03103
Minority HIV/AIDS Research Initiative to Build Capacity in Black and Hispanic Communities and Among Researchers who Conduct HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic and Prevention Research in these Communities 93.943 CDC-PA03097
Perinatal HIV Prevention in the United States: National Organizations Working Toward Elimination 93.943 CDC-PA03094
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention 93.283 CDC-PA03021
Reproductive Health Research 93.946 CDC-PA-DP05-010
National Trauma Information and Exchange Program 93.136 CDC-PA-04272
National Resource Center on Sexual Violence Prevention 93.136 CDC-PA-04067
National On-line Resource Center for Violence Against Woment 93.136 CDC-PA-04066
Development and Support of Research Agenda Needs Related to Injury Prevention and Control 93.136 CDC-PA-04065
Studies to Determine the Prevalence of a History of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in an Institutionalized 93.136 CDC-PA-04062
Cooperative Agreement for Research on the Association Between Exposure to Media Violence and Youth Violence 93.136 CDC-PA-04060
Community Trial to Test the Effectiveness of the Smoke Alarm Installation and Fire Safety Education (SAIFE) Program 93.136 CDC-PA-04058
Grant for Injury Control Research Center 93.136 CDC-PA-04057
Sociocultural and Community Risk and Protective Factors for Child Maltreatment and Youth Violence 93.136 CDC-PA-04056
Efficacy Trials of Parenting Programs for Fathers 93.136 CDC-PA-04055
Search Results 4681-4720 of 4827
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