The following government grants in the database contain the term women in the listing.
Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.
Grant Title | CFDA | Funding Number |
NIJ Using Technology to Combat Violence Against Women Concept Paper |
16.560 |
DOJ-GRANTS-110904-002 |
FY 2005 OVW Technical Assistance Program |
16.526 |
DOJ-GRANTS-102804-001 |
FY 2005 NIJ Evaluation of the Rural Domestic Violence and Child Victimization Enforcement Grant Program Special Initiative: Faith-Based and Community Organization Pilot Program |
16.560 |
DOJ-GRANTS-061605-001 |
FY 2005 NIJ Research and Evaluation on Abuse of Elderly Individuals, Older Women, and Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities |
16.560 |
DOJ-GRANTS-050405-001 |
FY 2005 OVC Violence Against Older Women Education Project |
16.582 |
DOJ-GRANTS-042005-002 |
FY 2004 OVW Technical Assistance Program |
16.526 |
DOJ-GRANTS-032204-001 |
FY 2003 National Criminal History Improvement Program |
16.554 |
DOJ-GRANTS-031803-001 |
FY 2004 OVW Grants to State Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Coalitions Program |
16.588 |
DOJ-GRANTS-031504-001 |
NIJ Violence Against Women Research and Evaluation: Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence |
16.560 |
DOJ-GRANTS-022004-002 |
FY 2004 OVW Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus |
16.525 |
DOJ-GRANTS-020404-001 |
FY 2005 OVW Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus |
16.525 |
DOJ-GRANTS-012605-001 |
FY 2004 OVW Education and Technical Assistance To End Violence Against Women with Disabilities |
16.529 |
DOJ-GRANTS-012604-001 |
FY 2005 OVW Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program |
16.587 |
DOJ-GRANTS-011205-001 |
FY 2004 Ryan White Title II for District of Columbia |
DC-GRANTS-011304-001 |
Intervention and Evaluation Trials to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence |
93.136 |
CE05-017 |
Epidemiologic HIV/AIDS Research Among African American and Hispanic Women at Risk for HIV Infection in the Southern United States and Puerto Rico |
93.943 |
CDC-RFA-PS05-107 |
Adaptation and Evaluation of a Brief, Nurse-Delivered Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for HIV-Positive Women in the South-AMENDMENT |
93.941 |
CDC-RFA-PS05-083Amendment |
Adaptation and Evaluation of a Brief ,Nurse-Delivered Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention for HIV-Positive Women in the South |
93.941 |
CDC-RFA-PS05-083 |
The BioSense Initiative to Improve Early Event Detection |
CDC-RFA-PH--05-126 |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention and Surveillance in South Africa: Developing Community-Level Strategies That Work |
93.283 |
CDC-RFA-DD05-011 |
Increasing Access to HIV Counseling and Testing (VCT) and Enhancing HIV/AIDS Communications, Prevention, and Care in Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland, and Cote d'Ivoire - Updated |
Expansion and Support of HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Information, Education, and Communication and Behavioral Change Communication Activities in Ethiopia - Modification |
CDC-RFA-05075MOD |
Enhancing Cancer Prevention and Control Programs for American Indian/Alaska Native Women |
93.283 |
CDC-PA04144 |
Practices to Improve Training Skills of Home Visitors |
93.136 |
CDC-PA04053 |
Grants for Injury Control Research Centers |
93.136 |
CDC-PA04011 |
Cooperative Agreement to Enhance Clinical Practices to Prevent Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and to Promote Health Among Women With Disablities |
93.184 |
CDC-PA03103 |
Minority HIV/AIDS Research Initiative to Build Capacity in Black and Hispanic Communities and Among Researchers who Conduct HIV/AIDS Epidemiologic and Prevention Research in these Communities |
93.943 |
CDC-PA03097 |
Perinatal HIV Prevention in the United States: National Organizations Working Toward Elimination |
93.943 |
CDC-PA03094 |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention |
93.283 |
CDC-PA03021 |
Reproductive Health Research |
93.946 |
CDC-PA-DP05-010 |
National Trauma Information and Exchange Program |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04272 |
National Resource Center on Sexual Violence Prevention |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04067 |
National On-line Resource Center for Violence Against Woment |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04066 |
Development and Support of Research Agenda Needs Related to Injury Prevention and Control |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04065 |
Studies to Determine the Prevalence of a History of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in an Institutionalized |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04062 |
Cooperative Agreement for Research on the Association Between Exposure to Media Violence and Youth Violence |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04060 |
Community Trial to Test the Effectiveness of the Smoke Alarm Installation and Fire Safety Education (SAIFE) Program |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04058 |
Grant for Injury Control Research Center |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04057 |
Sociocultural and Community Risk and Protective Factors for Child Maltreatment and Youth Violence |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04056 |
Efficacy Trials of Parenting Programs for Fathers |
93.136 |
CDC-PA-04055 |
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