women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
Reentry Projects (RP-3) - Young Adults 17.270 FOA-ETA-19-01-YA
Reentry Projects (RP-3) - Adults 17.270 FOA-ETA-19-01-A
Women and Minorities in STEM Fields 10.318 USDA-NIFA-WAMS-006689
Higher Education Partnerships (HEP)-Dominican Republic Addendum_STIP APS 98.012 7200AA19APS00008
Leadership and English Advancement Program (LEAP) 19.501 SCAKAB-19-CA-003-SCA-03182019
Alumni Small Grants Program 19.900 SRB10019FO0001
U.S. Embassy Valletta PAS Annual Program Statement 19.040 4216-9-001
Tribal-Researcher Capacity Building Grants Solicitation, FY 2019 16.560 NIJ-2019-15203
Academy for Women Entrepreneurs - South Africa 19.022 DOS-PTA-201908
Early Career Faculty 43.012 80HQTR19NOA01-19ECF-B1
Karabo ea Bophelo (KB) Activity in Lesotho 98.001 72067419RFA00005
Annual Program Statement for Cultural Affairs 19.040, 19.900 DOS-KAZ-AST-PAS-19-003
BLOODSAFE: Research to enhance availability of safe blood for patients with severe anemia and hemorrhagic conditions in low or lower-middle income countries (LLMICs) in Sub-Saharan Africa (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trial 93.839, 93.840 RFA-HL-20-009
NATO's 70th Anniversary: New challenges and changing landscapes 19.040 DOS-USNATO-PAA-2019-001
Karachi - Science, Technology, Environment, Mathematics (STEM) Programming 19.501 SCAISB-19-009-03082019
Children Support Center 19.705 INL19GR0028-AFGHANISTAN-SUPPORTCTR-03072
DRL FY18 Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) in Sub-Saharan Africa 19.345 SFOP0005594
DRL Supporting the Rule of Law and or Engaging Men and Boys in Reducing Violence Against Women in Lebanon 19.345 SFOP0005628
Combatting GBV and Improving Gender Equality Reporting through Diverse Media Tools 19.501 SCAISB-19-AW-006-03042019
Research on the Health of Women of Understudied, Underrepresented and Underreported (U3) Populations An ORWH FY19 Administrative Supplement (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) 93.113, 93.121, 93.172, 93.173, 93.213, 93.233, 93.242, 93.273, 93.279, 93.286, 93.307, 93.313, 93.361, 93.399, 93.837, 93.838, 93.839, 93.840, 93.847, 93.855, 93.859, 93.865, 93.866, 93.867, 93.879 PA-19-205
OVW FY 2019 Training and Technical Assistance Initiative 16.526 OVW-2019-16169
Annual Program Statement for Public Diplomacy (APS) 19.040 DOS-DAR-2019
Transform Nutrition 98.001 72065619RFCP00003
DRL Women's Workforce Participation Program 19.345 SFOP0005607
DRL Addressing Early and Forced Marriage in Morocco 19.345 SFOP0005569
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Phase I 11.620 2019-NIST-SBIR-01
Early Head Start Grantee -- Municipality of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico 93.600 HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-CH-R02-1594
U.S. Embassy Nouakchott PAS Annual Program Statement 19.040 PAS-MRT-FY19-01
Multiple Approaches to Support Young Breast Cancer Survivors and Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients 93.376 CDC-RFA-DP19-1906
DRL WomDRL Women's Workforce Participation Programen's Workforce Participation Program 19.345 SFOP0005607
Georgia Elections and Political Processes Support through Direct Awards to Georgia's Civil Society Organizations (2019-2023) 98.001 72011419RFA00003
TBD Women in Countering Violent Extremism 19.801 SFOP0005603
Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, and Teen Dating Violence, FY 2019 16.560 NIJ-2019-15365
Announcement of Availability of Funds for Replication of Programs Proven Effective through Rigorous Evaluation to Reduce Teenage Pregnancy, Behavioral Risk Factors Underlying Teenage Pregnancy, or Other Associated Risk 93.297 AH-TP1-19-001
U.S. Embassy Haiti PAS Annual Program Statement 19.040 DOS-PD-PAP-GG-19
Women's Business Center - Initial Phase Grant 59.043 OWBO-2019-01-1
U.S. Embassy Haiti PAS Election Outreach Program 19.040 DOS-PD-PAP-DF-19
ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions 47.041, 47.049, 47.050, 47.070, 47.074, 47.075, 47.076, 47.079, 47.083 19-552
Early Head Start Grantee -- Santa Clara County, California 93.600 HHS-2019-ACF-OHS-CH-R09-1592
PEPFAR Small Grants Program Annual Program Statement 19.029 AFREO-19-GR-001-AF-121919
Search Results 1761-1800 of 4814
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