women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
Copy of DRL Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Morocco 19.345 SFOP0003672
Women and Sex/Gender Differences in Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) 93.273, 93.279 PA-18-602
NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Sexual Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, and Teen Dating Violence 16.560 NIJ-2018-13702
Women and Sex/Gender Differences in Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (R03 Clinical Trial Optional) 93.273, 93.279 PA-18-601
Women and Sex/Gender Differences in Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) 93.273, 93.279 PA-18-603
Democracy, Human Rights, and Rule of Law in Iraq 19.016 SFOP0003945
Women and Minorities in STEM Fields 10.318 USDA-NIFA-WAMS-006470
Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed ) 93.113, 93.121, 93.172, 93.173, 93.213, 93.242, 93.273, 93.279, 93.286, 93.307, 93.310, 93.313, 93.351, 93.361, 93.393, 93.394, 93.395, 93.396, 93.398, 93.399, 93.840, 93.846, 93.847, 93.853, 93.855, 93.856, 93.859, 93.865, 93.866, 93.867, 93.879, 93 PA-18-592
Media Training and Professional Journalism Development in Pakistan 19.501 SCAISB-18-AW-004-01242018
Annual Program Statement - Public Diplomacy Programs with Chile 19.040 PAS-SANTIAGO-FY18
Tanzania Multi-sectoral Nutrition Activity 98.001 USAID-621-TMSN-FY2018
Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM 47.041, 47.049, 47.050, 47.070, 47.074, 47.075, 47.076, 47.079 18-532
U.S. Embassy Seoul PAS Annual Program Statement 19.040 PAS-SEOUL-FY18-01
Legal Aid Support 98.001 72048618RFA00002
Missouri Fy18 Cta-eqip 10.902, 10.912 USDA-NRCS-CTA-EQIP-MO-18-01
U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh PAS Annual Program 19.040 PAS-CB-600-18-PAS-0001
NASA Education Fellowship Activity, 2018 43.008 NNH18ZHA003N
APS - Grants for Khyber & FATA, U.S. Consulate General Peshawar 19.501 SCAISB-18-AW-003-01182018
PEPFAR HIV and AIDS Community Grants 19.029 SSF75018GR
OVW FY 2018 Research and Evaluation Initiative 16.026 OVW-2018-14240
2018 DRC, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda 19.517 SFOP0003687
International Research Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Addiction Research (R01, Clinical Trial Optional) 93.279 PA-18-568
OVW FY 2018 Grants to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking on Campus Program 16.525 OVW-2018-13820
OVW FY 2018 Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program Solicitation 16.016 OVW-2018-13822
FY18 The National Lupus Training, Outreach, and Clinical Trial Education Program (Lupus Program) 93.137 MP-CPI-18-001
Tanzania Malaria Surveillance and Monitoring (TMSM) 98.001 SOL72062118RFA00001
OVW FY 2018 Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program Solicitation 16.023 OVW-2018-13830
OVW FY 2018 Consolidated Grant Program to Address Children and Youth Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Assault and Engage Men and Boys as Allies Solicitation 16.888 OVW-2018-13821
OVW FY 2018 Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking 16.736 OVW-2018-13826
OVW FY 2018 Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Grant Program (formerly known as the Arrest Program) 16.590 OVW-2018-13827
OVW Fiscal Year 2018 Training and Technical Assistance Initiative 16.526 OVW-2018-14107
U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation 16.582, 16.583, 16.585, 16.587, 16.596, 16.608, 16.710, 16.731 DOJ-2018-5410
Women for Women: Supporting Each Other to Build Sustainable Careers 19.040 K-NOFO-18-102
Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Support for Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families 93.500 AH-SP1-18-001
DRL Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Morocco 19.345 SFOP0003672
DRL Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Morocco 19.345 SFOP0003662
Women's Business Center - Initial Phase Grant 59.043 OWBO-2017-01-2
Women's Business Center - Initial Phase Grant 59.043 OWBO-2017-01-1
Social Action Lab 19.040 K-NOFO-18-101
Limited Competition: Data Analysis and Coordination Center for the MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study, MACS/WIHS-CCS (U01 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) 93.233, 93.242, 93.279, 93.307, 93.393, 93.394, 93.395, 93.396, 93.399, 93.837, 93.838, 93.839, 93.840, 93.855, 93.856 RFA-HL-19-007
Search Results 2041-2080 of 4827
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