The following government grants in the database contain the term women in the listing.
Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.
Grant Title | CFDA | Funding Number |
OVW FY 2016 National Deaf Service Line Initiative |
16.889 |
OVW-2016-11402 |
Contraception Research Centers Program (U54) |
93.865 |
RFA-HD-17-013 |
Model Continuums of Care Initiative (MCCI) for Women and Girls at Risk and Living With HIV/AIDS and Harmful Alcohol and Associated Comorbidities Planning Cooperative Agreement (U34) |
93.273 |
RFA-AA-17-013 |
Drug Abuse Dissertation Research (R36) |
93.279 |
PA-16-443 |
Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I |
47.041 |
16-600 |
Participant Research Innovation Laboratory |
10.540 |
Dialogues on the Experience of War |
45.163 |
20161102-AV |
The Literate Village |
98.002 |
RFA-263-16-000001 |
Let Girls Learn |
98.001 |
Health System Strengthening and Service Delivery |
98.001 |
Climate Resilient Enterprise and Innovation Design (CREAID) |
98.001 |
BAA-388-GCC-16-00001 |
ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers |
47.041, 47.049, 47.050, 47.070, 47.074, 47.075, 47.076, 47.079, 47.083 |
16-594 |
Improved Capacity of the MPFFPE to Ensure Quality, Coverage and Coordination of Care and Support Services for Orphans, Vulnerable Children, and their Families in Cote d'Ivoire under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH17-1759 |
Strengthening the Capacity of the National AIDS Control Committee (NACC) to Lead the Cameroon HIV Response and Develop Systems Required to Achieve and Sustain HIV Epidemic Control under the President's Emergency Plan |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH17-1717 |
CDC Mexico Co-Ag for Surveillance & Epidemiology |
93.283 |
CDC-RFA-CK11-11060501SUPP16 |
National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep Program |
93.110 |
HRSA-17-094 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Provision of Male Medical Circumcision (MMC) in South Africa under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH11-11500502SUPP16 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Provision of Male Medical Circumcision (MMC) in South Africa under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH11-11500501SUPP16 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Provision of Male Medical Circumcision (MMC) in South Africa under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH11-11500503SUPP16 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Technical Assistance to Provide High-Quality Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Services to Programs Supported by the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH15-15370201SUPP16 |
Understanding and Addressing the Multi-level Influences on Uptake and Adherence to HIV Prevention Strategies Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa (R34) |
93.242 |
RFA-MH-17-560 |
Understanding and Addressing the Multi-level Influences on Uptake and Adherence to HIV Prevention Strategies Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa (R01) |
93.242, 93.865 |
RFA-MH-17-550 |
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Program |
93.251 |
HRSA-17-059 |
Understanding and Addressing the Multi-level Influences on Uptake and Adherence to HIV Prevention Strategies Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Sub-Saharan Africa (R21) |
93.242, 93.865, 93.989 |
RFA-MH-17-555 |
USAID's Improving Nutrition through Community-based Approaches (INCA) Activity |
98.001 |
RFA-388-16-000010 |
Vector Control Strategies- Enhancing Capacity for Vector Surveillance and Control to Prevent Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya Infection in Puerto Rico - Financed in part by Prevention and Public Health Funds |
93.084 |
CDC-RFA-CK16-1608PPHF2016 |
2017/2018 Sea Scallop Research SA |
11.454 |
NOAA-NMFS-NEFSC-2017-2004963 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Support for Strengthening and Expanding HIV/AIDS Surveillance Activities in SA under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH11-11540501SUPP16 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Strengthening Local Capacity to Deliver Sustainable Quality-Assured Universal Coverage of Clinical HIV/TB Services and Provide Central Level Technical Assistance in Swaziland Natl AIDS |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH15-15820201SUPP16 |
National Competitive Harmful Algal Bloom Programs: The Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) and Prevention, Control and Mitigation of Harmful Algal Blooms Program (PCMHAB) |
11.478 |
NOAA-NOS-NCCOS-2017-2004943 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Supporting Health Worker Staffing in South Africa under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH11-11100501SUPP16 |
Ocean Exploration FY 2017 Funding Opportunity |
11.011 |
NOAA-OAR-OER-2017-2004970 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Strengthening Local Capacity to Deliver Sustainable Quality Assured Universal Coverage of Clinical HIV/TB Services and Provide Central Level Technical Assistance to the NTCP in Swaziland |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH15-15830201SUPP16 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Strengthening the SA National Department of Health to implement and evaluate evidence-based public health program, surveillance and disease control efforts under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH13-13370501SUPP16 |
NPS Graphic History Novels |
15.945 |
NPS-DOIP16AC01285 |
Program Expansion Supplement: Supporting HIV and Tuberculosis Response in the Kingdom of Lesotho through District-based Comprehensive Prevention, Care and Treatment Program and Health Systems Strengthening under PEPFAR |
93.067 |
CDC-RFA-GH15-15480201SUPP16 |
The Secretary's Full Participation Fund: Building a National Women's Caucus |
19.801 |
Public Affairs Section Small Grants Program 2016 |
19.040 |
PAS-SGP-FY16-002-001 |
Portable Retirement Benefits Planning |
17.261 |
FOA-WB-16-02 |
Tunisia Women's Police Association |
19.703 |
INL-AMETUNISIA-16GR0040-072616 |
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