women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
Women's Business Center Initial Grant 59.043 OWBO-2011-01-1
Community Based Livelihood Development for Women and Children (C-Bld) in Swaziland 98.001 RFA-674-11-0042
Add Us In 17.720 SGA-11-05
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program (MSEIP) CFDA Number 84.120A 84.120 ED-GRANTS-080311-001
Curriculum Development for Women Offenders: Developing an Agency-wide Approach 16.601 11AD13
Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I Solicitation FY-2012 47.041 11-561
Developing a Method for Conducting an Internal Evaluation of Gender-Informed Policy and Practice 16.601 11AD04
Pregnancy in Women with Disabilities (R21) 93.361 PAR-11-259
Pregnancy in Women with Disabilities (R01) 93.361 PAR-11-258
International Center for Afghan Women's Economic Development HQ0034-11-1-0002
Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology (R21) 93.865 PAR-11-248
Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology (R01) 93.865 PAR-11-246
Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology (R03) 93.865 PAR-11-247
Outcome Evaluation of the Methane to Markets Partnership Relative to the Office of Global Change Funding, FY2006-FY2010 19.017 OES-OCC-11-004
Program to Support the Womens Justice and Empowerment Initiative in the Democratic Republic of Congo 00.000 INL-11-CA-0008-AME-06292011
Specialized Centers of Research (SCOR) on Sex Differences (P50) 93.103 RFA-OD-11-003
Regional Ecosystem Prediction Program (REPP) From Science to Management: Improving Management of Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in the U.S. Caribbean FY12 11.478 NOAA-NOS-NCCOS-2012-2003025
Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs Act ("PRIME") 59.050 PRIME-2011-01
Justice and Dignity Initiative in the Middle East and North Africa 19.345 DRL-11-NEA-06162011
Promoting Health Policy and Disease Prevention 93.283 CDC-RFA-CD11-1102
2011 Africa-Women, Peace, and Security Initiative S-SGWI-10-GR-003-AF-061411
FY11 Sustainable Comprehensive Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Clinical Program for Low Socio-economic Status Women of Childbearing Age 93.088 WH-AST-11-003
Making Space: Places for Youth Expression in Cuba 98.001 M-OAA-GRO-LMA-11-011613
Scientific Cooperation Exchange Program 10.961 USDA-GRANTS-122904-003
Healthy Women of Ukraine Program (HWUP) 98.001 RFA-121-11-000002
OJJDP FY 2011 Defending Childhood Task Force Technical Assistance Project 16.730 OJJDP-2011-3071
Enhancing Breast Cancer Genomic Practices through Education, Surveillance, and Policy 93.283 CDC-RFA-DP11-1114
Mena Initiatives 19.345 DRL-11-MENAINITIATIVES-RFP-060811
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Regional Training Centers 93.073 CDC-RFA-DD11-1107
Scientific Cooperation Research Program 10.961 USDA-GRANTS-122904-002
FY11 Minority Youth Tobacco Elimination Project (MYTEP) 93.004 MP-MPC-11-002
Afghanistan Agricultural Extension Project 10.324 USDA-NIFA-EXCA-003453
Developing Support and Educational Awareness for Young ( 93.283 CDC-RFA-DP11-1111
FY11 Announcement of Availability of Funds for Phase II of the Coalition for a Healthier Community Program 93.290 WH-CCE-11-001
OSDBU's Small Business Transportation Resource Center (SBTRC) under the Minority Resource Center (MRC) Program 20.910 USDOT-OST-OSDBU-SBTRC2011-3
Strategies for the Protection of Pregnant Women and Infants Against Infectious Diseases (R01) 93.855 RFA-AI-11-036
National Organizations Working to Eliminate Prenatal HIV Transmission and to implement CDCs Revised Recommendations for HIV Testing of Adults, Adolescents and PregnantWomen in U.S. Health Care Settings 93.941 CDC-RFA-PS07-76405CONT11
OJJDP FY 2011 Defending Childhood Technical Assistance 16.730 OJJDP-2011-3059
Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research, Fiscal Year 2012, National Competitive Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Programs 11.478 NOAA-NOS-NCCOS-2012-2002987
Continuation of Existing Project for Family Violence Prevention and Services 93.592 HHS-2011-ACF-CONT-ACYF-FYSB-EV
Search Results 3441-3480 of 4776
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