women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
Cafta-Dr Tcb 19.345 DRL-10-CAFTA-RFP-110411
Services Grant Program for Residential Treatment for Pregnant and Postpartum Women 93.243 TI-11-009
Education and Interdisciplinary Research 47.049 PD-11-9134
FY 2011 Funding Opportunity Announcement for NGO programs benefiting Afghan refugees in Pakistan 19.519 PRM-ECA-11-CA-SA-04082011-PAKISTAN
Economic Research Partnership APS-OAA-11-00566I
2011 Competitive Program for Science and Museums and Planetariums Plus Opportunities for NASA Visitor Centers and Other Informal Education Institutions (CP4SMP+) 43.008 NNH11ZHA004N
Protecting the Rights of Children, Women and Youth 98.001 USAID-HAITI-521-11-024
PRM NGO Projects in Thailand, Bangladesh and Malaysia 19.511 PRM-ANE-11-CA-EA-04012011-TH-BGD-MYA
OVW Fiscal Year 2011 Technical Assistance Program 16.526 OVW-2011-2913
Eliminating Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in the United States through Continuous Quality Improvement: The FIMR-HIV Prevention Methodology 93.118 CDC-RFA-PS11-1116
Initiatives to Educate State Officials and Policy Makers about Priority Public Health Issues Related to the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and 93.977 CDC-RFA-PS11-1118
A National Coalition to Enhance STD/HIV Prevention through Promotion of a Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness 93.978 CDC-RFA-PS11-1112
Evaluation of Core Violence and Injury Prevention Program (Core VIPP) 93.136 CDC-RFA-CE11-1106
OVW Fiscal Year 2011 Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalition Program 16.557 OVW-2011-2916
A Grand Challenge for Development 98.001 RFA-OAA-11-000006
Open Competition for Professional Exchange Programs 19.415 ECA-PE-C-11-01
Professional Exchanges Congress 19.415 ECA-PE-C-11-21
Program to Support New Implementation of State or Territorial Public Health Laboratory Capacity for Newborn Bloodspot Screening of Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) 93.065 RFA-EH-11-001
Evidence to Action for Strengthened Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services for Women and Girls (E2A) 98.001 SOL-OAA-11-000041
Violence Against Women National Online Resource Center and E-Learning Community of Practice 93.136 CDC-RFA-CE09-90503CONT11
Development Grants Programs 98.001 M-OAA-GRO-EGAS-DGP-11-0001
Funding Opportunity Announcement for projects involving research, assessment, or formative evaluation that could inform and strengthen PRM-funded humanitarian programs worldwide 19.522 PRM-PRP-11-CA-03102011
PRM NGO Projects in Afghanistan 19.519 PRM-ECA-11-CA-SA-03102011-AFGHANS
Research Opportunities in Obstetric Fistula (R01) 93.865 PA-11-141
Research Opportunities in Obstetric Fistula (R21) 93.865 PA-11-143
Research Opportunities in Obstetric Fistula (R03) 93.865 PA-11-142
Women And Minorities In Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS) 10.318 USDA-NIFA-WAMS-003415
Part D: Coordinated HIV Services and Access to Research for WICY-One Time Supplemental Funds 93.153 HRSA-11-094
Programmatic Learning for Prevention of, and Response to, Gender-Based Violence in Disaster Situations 98.001 APS-OFDA-11-000004
Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I Solicitation FY-2011 (Release 2) 47.041 11-691
Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program 47.041 11-690
Youth Program - BLM-Utah Youth Conservation Corp Projects 15.224 L11AS00035
Technical Assistance To The Ministry Of Health (MOH) For HIV Services And Program Transition In The Republic Of Mozambique Under The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 93.067 CDC-RFA-GH11-11108
Global AIDS Grant CDC-RFA-GH11-11101 93.067 CDC-RFA-GH11-11101
Strengthening the Capacity of the Dominican Republic to Provide HIV/STI/TB Prevention and Risk Reduction Among Drug Users under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 93.067 CDC-RFA-GH11-1172
Formative Assessment of HIV Risk and Size Estimation Among Most-At-Risk Populations (MARPs) and Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Among MARPs in the Republic of Zambia under the President's Emergency 93.067 CDC-RFA-GH11-1169
Enhanced Surveillance in the Republic of Uganda under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 93.067 CDC-RFA-GH11-1165
Office of International Trade - Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 OIT-STEP-2011-01
Support to Strengthen, Expand and Sustain Nigeria's Disease Surveillance and Response System under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 93.067 CDC-RFA-GH11-1181
Enhanced HIV Prevention in the Republic of Uganda under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 93.067 CDC-RFA-GH11-1164
Search Results 3561-3600 of 4827
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