Army Contracting Command Benet Laboratories Grants

Browse 2 Army Contracting Command Benet Laboratories Grants below, sorted by the last date to apply. Along with the application deadline, each grant's categories are also displayed.

Select a specific Army Contracting Command Benet Laboratories grant to read the full description of the opportunity, which includes the grant type, total award amount, eligible applicants, important deadlines, and official contact details. If you wish to search for a specific keyword or view grants sorted by category, utilize the menu links.

 Deadline Grant TitleCategories
August 3rd, 2018 Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III - High Strength, Inherently Fire and Ballistic Resistant Co-polymer Aramid Fibers Industrial Capability Project Other
February 22nd, 2023 Defense Production Act Broad Agency Announcement For The Other is not endorsed by, or affiliated with, any government agency. Copyright ©2007-2024