Federal Grants by Agency

This section of FederalGrants.com allows you to browse grants by their government agency. There are a total of 795 Grant Agencies. Select the name of the agency which is offering the grant opportunity you are looking for. The bracketed number indicates how many grants are listed for the agency.

69A345 Office of the Under Secretary for Policy [31] 69A350 OSDBU [19]
69A355 Research and Technology [7]
ACC APG Aberdeen Division A [6] ACC APG Belvoir [1]
ACC APG Detrick [13] ACC APG Edgewood [2]
ACC APG Fort Huachuca [2] ACC APG Natick [1]
Administration for Children and Families [886] Administration for Children and Families ACYF CB [67]
Administration for Children and Families ACYF FYSB [14] Administration for Children and Families ANA [41]
Administration for Children and Families IOAS OTIP [20] Administration for Children and Families OCC [22]
Administration for Children and Families OCS [67] Administration for Children and Families OCSE [12]
Administration for Children and Families OFA [18] Administration for Children and Families OHS [654]
Administration for Children and Families OPRE [71] Administration for Children and Families ORR [80]
Administration for Children Families ACYF FYSB [79] Administration for Community Living [565]
Administration on Aging [248] Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy [138]
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health [7] Afghanistan USAID Kabul [37]
Africa Regional Services [11] AFRL DET 8 [4]
AFRL Kirtland AFB [2] Agency for Health Care Research and Quality [235]
Agency for International Development [933] Agricultural Marketing Service [120]
Air Force Academy [38] Air Force Materiel Command [1]
Air Force Office of Scientific Research [137] Air Force Office of Scientific Research 2006 DURIP [1]
Air Force Office of Scientific Research 2006 MURI [1] Air Force Office of Scientific Research URI [2]
Air Force Research Lab [222] Airport Improvement Program Discretionary Grants [2]
Alaska District [60] Albania USAID Tirana [2]
AmeriCorps [21] Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [50]
Armenia USAID Yerevan [26] Army Contracting Command Benet Laboratories [2]
Army Contracting Command New Jersey [1] Army Contracting Command Rock Island [1]
Assistance Coordination [106] Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation [8]
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response [69] ATSDR [1]
Aviation Workforce Development Grant Program [4] Azerbaijan USAID Baku [10]
Bangladesh USAID Dhaka [69] Benin USAID Cotonou [8]
Bolivia USAID La Paz [13] Bosnia USAID Herzegovina [18]
Botswana USAID Gaborone [16] Branch of Acquisition Grants [15]
Brazil USAID Brasilia [7] Bureau of African Affairs [29]
Bureau of Conflict Stabilization Operations [51] Bureau of Counterterrorism [66]
Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy [4] Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor [663]
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs [27] Bureau of East Asian Pacific Affairs [10]
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs [7] Bureau Of Educational and Cultural Affairs [567]
Bureau of Energy Resources [7] Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs [24]
Bureau of Global Public Affairs [37] Bureau of Human Resources [7]
Bureau of Indian Affairs [127] Bureau of Intelligence and Research [14]
Bureau of International Labor Affairs [175] Bureau of International Narcotics Law Enforcement [355]
Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferat [56] Bureau of International Security Nonproliferation [201]
Bureau of Justice Assistance [756] Bureau of Justice Statistics [224]
Bureau of Land Management [3205] Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs [9]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management [131] Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) [26]
Bureau of Ocean Energy Mgmt Regulation and Enforc [5] Bureau of Oceans Int Environmental Scientific [87]
Bureau of Political Military Affairs GPI [2] Bureau of Political Military Affairs WRA [27]
Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration [400] Bureau of Reclamation [826]
Bureau of Reclamation Denver Office [78] Bureau of Reclamation Great Plains Region [61]
Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region [113] Bureau of Reclamation Mid Pacific Region [173]
Bureau of Reclamation Mid Pacific Regional Office [25] Bureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Region [97]
Bureau of Reclamation Upper Colorado Region [66] Bureau of Reclamation Upper Columbia Area Office [16]
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement [6] Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs [148]
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs [28] Burma USAID Rangoon [12]
Burundi USAID Bujumbura [6] Business and Cooperative Programs [101]
California State Office [49] Cambodia USAID Phnom Penh [48]
Capacity Building and Development Food Assistance [5] CEERD CERL [5]
Center for Mental Health Services [27] Center for Substance Abuse Prevention [7]
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment [13] Centers for Disease Control - NCIPC [1]
Centers for Disease Control - OPHPR [1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [2867]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ERA [312] Centers for Disease Control ATSDR [12]
Centers for Disease Control CFA [1] Centers for Disease Control CGH [791]
Centers for Disease Control CSELS [32] CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL CSTLTS [2]
Centers for Disease Control NCBDDD [36] Centers for Disease Control NCCDPHP [111]
Centers for Disease Control NCEH [35] Centers for Disease Control NCEZID [50]
Centers for Disease Control NCHHSTP [95] Centers for Disease Control NCHS [3]
Centers for Disease Control NCIPC [51] Centers for Disease Control NCIRD [46]
Centers for Disease Control NIOSH [2] Centers for Disease Control OD [9]
Centers for Disease Control OPHPR [11] Centers for Disease Control OSTLTS [40]
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [93] Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services [51]
CGH [41] Chicago Service Center [170]
Chief Business Office [5] Childrens Bureau ACYF CB [1]
Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation [2] Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [4]
City of Orlando [1] CMS Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight [5]
CMS Consumer Information Insurance Oversight [10] CMS Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan Program [1]
Cochran Fellowship Prog Intl Trng 10962 [3] COETTHP [1]
Colombia USAID Bogota [31] Colorado State Office [20]
Community Capacity Development Office [4] Community Development Financial Institutions [64]
Community Oriented Policing Services [128] Construction of State Home Facilities [6]
Consumer Product Safety Commission [12] Corporation for National and Community Service [151]
Cote d Ivoire USAID Abidjan [3] CSREES [158]
DARPA Biological Technologies Office [65] DARPA Defense Sciences Office [172]
DARPA Information Exploitation Office [1] DARPA Information Innovation Office [72]
DARPA Information Processing Technology Office [17] DARPA Microsystems Technology Office [133]
DARPA MTO BAA 09 25 [1] DARPA MTO BAA08 18 [1]
DARPA Strategic Technology Office [25] DARPA Tactical Technology Office [28]
DARPA Transformational Convergence Technology [7] Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency [108]
Defense Health Agency [3] Defense Intelligence Agency [7]
Defense Logistics Agency [46] Defense Threat Reduction Agency [17]
Democratic Republic of the Congo USAID Kinshasa [20] Denali Commission [11]
Department of Agriculture [2] Department of Commerce [1060]
Department of Defense [136] Department of Education [1892]
Department of Energy [6] Department of Energy Office of Science [1]
Department of Homeland Security [87] Department of Homeland Security - FEMA [1]
Department of Homeland Security FEMA [1006] Department of Housing and Urban Development [688]
Department of Justice [32] Department of State [75]
Department of the Interior [530] Department of the Treasury [7]
Department of Transportation [27] Department of Veterans Affairs [1]
Dept of the Army Corps of Engineers [144] Dept of the Army Materiel Command [204]
Dept of the Army Space and Missle Defense Comman [2] Dept of the Army Space Missle Defense Comman [10]
Dept of the Army USAMRAA [1703] Diplomatic Security [8]
District of Columbia [4] Div of Contracting Facilities Mgt [19]
Division of Bird Habitat Conservation [3] DM Office of Advocacy and Outreach [14]
DOC NOAA ERA Production [11] DoD Education Activity [6]
Dominican Republic USAID Santo Domingo [43] DOT FAA Aviation Research Grants [5]
DOT FAA Centers of Excellence [6] DOT Federal Aviation Administration [6]
DOT Federal Highway Administration [255] DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration [122]
DOT Federal Railroad Administration [336] DOT Federal Transit Administration [198]
DOT National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [53] DOT Office of Aviation Analysis [9]
DOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Utilization [7] DOT Office of Small Disadvantaged Utilization [13]
East Africa USAID Kenya [21] Economic and Business Affairs [2]
Economic Development Administration [61] Economic Research Service [18]
Ecuador USAID Quito [5] Educational and Cultural Affairs [1]
Egypt USAID Cairo [58] El Salvador USAID San Salvador [25]
Election Assistance Commission [11] Emerging Markets Program 10603 [2]
Employment and Training Administration [358] Endangered Species [7]
Energy Cluster Program [1] Engineer Research and Development Center [87]
Environmental Management Consolidated Business Cen [3] Environmental Protection Agency [2193]
Ethiopia USAID Addis Ababa [103] Everglades National Park [3]
External Affairs [2]
FAA Aviation Next Gen [1] FAA COE AJFE [2]
Faculty Exchange Program 10613 [3] Farm Production and Conservation Business Center [1]
Farm Service Agency [27] Federal Communications Commission [4]
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service [6] Financial Assistance Programs Division [1]
Fire Administration [2] Fish and Wildlife Service [4251]
Fisheries Habitat Conservation [12] Florida State Office [16]
Food Aid Information System [2] Food and Drug Administration [412]
Food and Nutrition Service [225] Food Drug Administration [74]
Food for Progress 10606 [9] Food Safety Inspection Service [17]
Foreign Agricultural Service [94] Foreign Market Development Cooperator Prog 10600 [1]
Forest Service [118] Fort Worth District [120]
General Dynamics Information Technology [21] General Services Administration [1]
Geological Survey [2376] Georgia State Office [33]
Georgia USAID Tbilisi [60] Germany USAID Frankfurt [2]
Ghana USAID Accra [80] Global Programs [9]
Golden Field Office [833] Grants Agreements [8]
Guatemala [1] Guatemala USAID Guatemala City [44]
Guinea USAID Conakry [25] Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council [5]
Haiti USAID Port Au Prince [57] Hawaii State Office [31]
Headquarters [438] Headquarters and Regional Offices [349]
Health Resources and Services Administration [1892] Health Resources Services Administration [99]
Heritage Preservation Services [5] HHS FDA Special [6]
Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program [34] Honduras USAID Tegucigalpa [12]
Human Resources [6] Hungary USAID Budapest [45]
Idaho Field Office [67] Idaho State Office [15]
Independent Verification and Validation Test Agency [5] India USAID New Delhi [37]
Indian Health Service [206] Indiana State Office [1]
Indonesia USAID Jakarta [54] Institute of Museum and Library Services [204]
Inter American Foundation [1] Interagency Health Affairs [1]
Interior Business Ceter [3] Internal Revenue Service [11]
International Agricultural Educ Fellowship 10619 [7] International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affair [203]
Iowa State Office [6] Iraq Assistance Office [5]
Iraq USAID Baghdad [6]
Jamaica USAID Kingston [4] James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation [1]
Japan United States Friendship Commission [1] Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge [3]
Jordan USAID Amman [32]
Kansas City District [13] Kansas State Office [12]
Kazakhstan USAID Almaty [72] Kazakhstan USAID-Almaty [1]
Kentucky State Office [10] Kenya USAID Nairobi [113]
Kosovo USAID Pristina [25]
Lebanon USAID Beirut [6] Legal Services for Veterans [2]
Liberia USAID Monrovia [33] Library of Congress [16]
Louisiana State Office [8] Low Income Taxpayer Clinic [10]
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) [8]
Macedonia USAID Skopje [14] Madagascar USAID Antananarivo [17]
Malawi USAID Lilongwe [33] Mali USAID Bamako [26]
Marine Mammal Commission [1] Maritime Administration [35]
Market Access Program 10601 [1] Market Development Cooperator Program [1]
Maryland State Office [12] Massachusetts [4]
McGovern Dole Food for Education 10608 [8] Mexico USAID Mexico City [26]
Michigan State Office [2] Middle East Partnership Initiative [50]
Middle East Regional Platform USAID MERP [8] Migratory Birds [45]
Millennium Challenge Corporation [24] Mine Safety and Health Administration [28]
Minerals Management Service [47] Minority Business Development Agency [1]
Missile Defense Agency [13] Mission and Install Cmd JBSA Ft Sam Houston [10]
Mission to Brazil [2] Mission to Croatia [2]
Mission to Ecuador [1] Mission To Malaysia [1]
Mission to Turkey [11] Mississippi State Office [4]
Missouri State Office [18] Moldova USAID Chisinau [2]
Mongolia USAID Ulaanbaatar [1] Montana State Office [6]
Morocco USAID Rabat [15] Mozambique USAID Maputo [56]
Munitions Directorate [7]
NASA Ames Research Center [12] NASA Dryden Flight Research Center [2]
NASA Glenn Research Center [5] NASA Goddard Space Flight Center [11]
NASA Headquarters [1485] NASA Johnson Space Center [69]
NASA Kennedy Space Center [6] NASA Langley Research Center [9]
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center [3] NASA Stennis Space Center [8]
National Aeronautics and Space Administration [105] National Archives and Records Administration [186]
National Business Center [2] National Council on Disability [31]
National Credit Union Administration [17] National Endowment for the Arts [243]
National Endowment for the Humanities [748] National Energy Technology Laboratory [635]
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency [15] National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [22]
National Institute of Corrections [348] National Institute of Food and Agriculture [774]
National Institute of Justice [598] National Institute of Standards and Technology [249]
National Institutes of Health [14284] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [112]
National Park Service [8349] National Science Foundation [2881]
National Telecommunications and Information Admini [11] National Veterans Sports Programs [14]
Natural Resources Conservation Service [494] NAVAIR [22]
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Div Lakehurst [1] Naval Facilities Engineering Command [117]
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest [1] Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific [5]
NAVAL MEDICAL LOGISTICS COMMAND [7] Naval Research Laboratory [12]
Naval Supply Systems Command [63] Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock [2]
NAVFAC Atlantic [1] NAVFAC Washington DC [14]
NCA Contracting [1] NCBDDD [4]
NEA Cooperative Agreements Office [42] NEA Office of Press and Public Diplomacy [5]
Near East Affairs Assistance Coordination [17] Nebraska State Office [15]
Nepal USAID Kathmandu [29] Nevada State Office [3]
New Hampshire State Office [5] New Jersey State Office [11]
New Mexico State Office [10] New York State Office [8]
Nicaragua USAID Managua [10] Nigeria USAID Abuja [45]
NNSA [52] Norman E Borlaug Intl Ag Science and Tech 10777 [6]
North Carolina State Office [4] North Dakota State Office [9]
Northern Plains Regional Office [1] NRCS Alaska State Office [3]
NRCS Animal Husbandry Clean Water Programs [1] NRCS Arizona State Office [1]
NRCS Arkansas State Office [11] NRCS Connecticut State Office [7]
NRCS Illinois State Office [2] NRCS Maine State Office [4]
NRCS Oregon [2] NRCS Wyoming State Office [1]
NSWC CRANE [30] NSWC Indian Head [8]
Nuclear Regulatory Commission [59] NUWC Division Keyport [4]
Oak Ridge Office [2] OASAM [146]
Occupational Safety and Health Administration [38] Ocean and International Environmental Scientific [58]
OD [1] ODISP OESP [18]
ODISP OPDR [13] Ofc of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight [10]
Office for Victims of Crime [355] Office of Acquisitions Management [27]
Office of Agreements and Scientific Affairs [1] Office of Applied Studies [2]
Office of Aviation Analysis [4] Office of Disability Employment Policy [9]
Office of Economic Adjustment [2] Office of Export Control Cooperation [17]
Office of Global Criminal Justice [8] Office of Global Womens Issues [15]
Office of Justice Programs [208] Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention [565]
Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation [6] Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention [2]
Office of National Drug Control Policy [39] Office of Naval Research [335]
Office of Partnerships and Public Engagements [3] Office of Policy ORES [6]
Office of Procurement Operations Grants Division [246] Office of Public Health and Science [228]
Office of Recovery Programs [1] Office of Refugee Resettlement ORR [1]
Office of Science [381] Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Util [1]
Office of Surface Mining [57] Office of the Administrator [11]
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health [328] Office of the Chief Financial Officer [9]
Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism [1] Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism [3]
Office of the Director of National Intelligence [1] Office of the National Coordinator [47]
Office of the Secretary [13] Office of Trade Programs [13]
Office of Violence Against Women [97] Office on Violence Against Women [243]
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons [12] Office to Monitor Combat Trafficking in Persons [51]
Ohio State Office [8] Oklahoma State Office [7]
Omaha District [54] Oregon State Office [10]
Other Agency [7636] OUSD R E Basic Research Office [2]
Pacific Island Area State Office [2] Pakistan USAID Islamabad [48]
Panama USAID Panama City [1] Paraguay USAID Asuncion [13]
Pennsylvania State Office [10] Peru USAID Lima [44]
Philippines USAID Manila [67] PHMSA Hazmat Grants [37]
Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administrat [11] Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration [42]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin [43] Pipeline Hazardous Material Safety Administration [34]
PM Weapons Removal and Abatement [138] Preparedness OG T [24]
Presidents Committee on the Arts and Humanities [1] Press and Public Diplomacy [2]
Public Affairs [20] Public Telecommunications Facilities Program [3]
Puerto Rico State Office [4] Puerto Rico State Offie [1]
Quality Samples Program 10605 [2]
Raleigh State Office [1] Region 1 [39]
Region 10 [26] Region 2 [74]
Region 3 [31] Region 4 [26]
Region 5 [42] Region 6 [26]
Region 7 [81] Region 8 [24]
Region 9 [26] Research and Innovative Technology Administration [6]
Research and Special Programs Administration [1] Research Development [1]
Rhode Island State Office [9] Richland [1]
Risk Management Agency [8] Risk Management Education [18]
Rural Business Cooperative Service [37] Rural Development [14]
Rural Housing Service [15] Rural Utilities Service [32]
Russia USAID Moscow [20] Rwanda USAID Kigali [46]
S Bureau Grants Offices [10] SABIT Program [2]
Savannah District [8] Scientific Cooperation and Research 10961 [4]
Seattle District [3] Secretarys Office of Global Womens Issues [1]
Section 108 Foreign Currency 10617 [1] Senegal USAID Dakar [62]
Serbia USAID Belgrade [19] Small Business Administration [253]
SMART [34] Social Security Administration [18]
Somalia USAID Mogadishu [4] South Africa USAID Pretoria [140]
South Carolina State Office [8] South Dakota State Office [4]
South Sudan (USAID) Juba [12] Southeast Crescent Regional Commission [1]
SPAWAR Systems Center [6] Special Envoy to Sudans office [2]
Sport and Fish REG9 [2] Sri Lanka USAID Colombo [8]
State of Minnesota [1] State of Texas [2]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services [143] Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin [30]
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Adminis [344] Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Adminis [67]
Sudan USAID Khartoum [5] Supportive Services for Veteran Families [2]
Tajikistan USAID Dushanbe [2] Tanzania USAID Dar es Salaam [68]
Tax Counciling for the Elderly [2] Tax Counseling for the Elderly [16]
Technical Agricultural Assistance 10960 [19] Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops 10604 [1]
Technologoes Opportunities Program [3] Tennessee State Office [1]
Texas State Office [4] Thailand USAID Bangkok [98]
Trade Policy and Geographic Affairs [2] Transportation Security Administration [4]
U.S. Mission to India [1] Uganda USAID Kampala [80]
Ukraine USAID Kiev [57] Unified Export Strategy [11]
Uniformed Services Univ of the Health Sciences [17] United States Coast Guard [19]
United States Marine Corps [1] US Dept of Treasury RESTORE Act Program [61]
US Mission Republic of the Congo_Brazzaville [1] US Mission to Afghanistan [99]
US Mission to Albania [15] US Mission to Algeria [5]
US Mission to Angola [11] US Mission to Argentina [16]
US Mission to Armenia [29] US Mission to ASEAN [8]
US Mission to Australia [14] US Mission to Austria [7]
US Mission to Azerbaijan [10] US Mission to Bangladesh [11]
US Mission to Barbados [9] US Mission to Belarus [2]
US Mission to Belgium [18] US Mission to Belize [16]
US Mission to Benin [5] US Mission to Bolivia [7]
US Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina [79] US Mission to Botswana [17]
US Mission to Brazil [35] US Mission to Brunei [2]
US Mission to Bulgaria [5] US Mission to Burkina Faso [6]
US Mission to Burundi [4] US Mission to Cambodia [7]
US Mission to Cameroon [54] US Mission to Canada [28]
US Mission to Cape Verde [9] US Mission to Central African Republic [5]
US Mission to Chad [1] US Mission to Chile [7]
US Mission to China [38] US Mission to Colombia [7]
US Mission to Columbia [2] US Mission to Costa Rica [22]
US Mission to Cote d Ivoire [8] US Mission to Croatia [6]
US Mission to Cuba [1] US Mission to Cyprus [2]
US Mission to Denmark [2] US Mission to Djibouti [4]
US Mission to Dominican Republic [4] US Mission to Ecuador [4]
US Mission to Egypt [9] US Mission to El Salvador [6]
US Mission to Equatorial Guinea [2] US Mission to Eritrea [1]
US mission to Estonia [4] US Mission to Eswatini [13]
US Mission to Ethiopia [14] US Mission to Fiji [6]
US Mission to Finland [4] US Mission to France [16]
US Mission to Gabon [1] US Mission to Gambia [7]
US Mission to Georgia [84] US Mission to Germany [9]
US Mission to Ghana [12] US Mission to Greece [3]
US Mission to Guatemala [12] US Mission to Guinea [16]
US Mission to Guyana [3] US Mission to Haiti [7]
US Mission to Honduras [2] US Mission to Hungary [21]
US Mission to India [304] US Mission to Indonesia [21]
US Mission to Iraq [84] US Mission to Ireland [1]
US Mission to Israel [2] US Mission to Italy [2]
US Mission to Jamaica [11] US Mission to Japan [88]
US Mission to Jerusalem [24] US Mission to Jordan [27]
US Mission to Kazakhstan [45] US Mission to Kenya [35]
US Mission to Korea [2] US Mission to Kosovo [21]
US Mission to Kuwait [4] US Mission to Kyrgyzstan [28]
US Mission to Laos [3] US Mission to Latvia [4]
US Mission to Lebanon [24] US Mission to Lesotho [21]
US Mission to Liberia [5] US Mission to Lithuania [2]
US Mission to Luxembourg [11] US Mission to Macedonia [7]
US Mission to Madagascar [8] US Mission to Malawi [22]
US Mission to Malaysia [18] US Mission to Mali [12]
US Mission to Malta [4] US Mission to Maseru Lesotho [5]
US Mission to Mauritania [19] US Mission to Mauritius [2]
US Mission to Mexico [22] US Mission to Moldova [75]
US Mission to Mongolia [4] US Mission to Montenegro [13]
US Mission to Morocco [28] US Mission to Mozambique [23]
US Mission to Myanmar [15] US Mission to Namibia [15]
US Mission to NATO [11] US Mission to Nepal [16]
US Mission to New Zealand [28] US Mission to Nicaragua [9]
US Mission to Niger [22] US Mission to Nigeria [42]
US Mission to North Macedonia [27] US Mission to Norway [6]
US Mission to Pakistan [127] US Mission to Panama [23]
US Mission to Papua New Guinea [4] US Mission to Paraguay [13]
US Mission to Peru [12] US Mission to Poland [13]
US Mission to Portugal [1] US Mission to Qatar [7]
US Mission to Romania [10] US Mission to Russia [45]
US Mission to Rwanda [17] US Mission to Saudi Arabia [21]
US Mission to Senegal [17] US Mission to Serbia [29]
US Mission to Sierra Leone [1] US Mission to Singapore [15]
US Mission to Slovakia [10] US Mission to Slovenia [22]
US Mission to Somalia [6] US Mission to South Africa [65]
US Mission to South Korea [20] US Mission to South Sudan [5]
US Mission to Spain [4] US Mission to Sri Lanka [20]
US Mission to Sudan [8] US Mission to Suriname [2]
US Mission to Sweden [3] US Mission to Switzerland [3]
US Mission to Tajikistan [16] US Mission to Tanzania [13]
US Mission to Thailand [14] US Mission to the Bahamas [4]
US Mission to the Czech Republic [11] US Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo [24]
US Mission to the Dominican Republic [17] US Mission to the European Union [4]
US Mission to the International Organizations [2] US Mission to the Marshall Islands [1]
US Mission to the Philippines [16] US Mission to the Phillippines [1]
US Mission to the Republic of Maldives [2] US Mission to the Republic of the Congo [2]
US Mission to the United Kingdom [31] US Mission to the United Nations [2]
US Mission to Timor Leste [1] US Mission to Togo [16]
US Mission to Trinidad and Tobago [4] US Mission to Tunisia [7]
US Mission to Turkey [4] US Mission to Turkmenistan [11]
US Mission to Uganda [23] US Mission to Ukraine [81]
US Mission to Uruguay [1] US Mission to Uzbekistan [17]
US Mission to Venezuela [7] US Mission to Viet Nam [3]
US Mission to Vietnam [46] US Mission to Zambia [22]
US Mission to Zimbabwe [30] US to Namibia [1]
USACE Portland District [21] USAF 347 Contracting Squadron [1]
USAID [9] USAID Barbados and Eastern Caribbean [1]
USDA NRCS Iowa State Office [5] USDA NRCS MSD Ft Worth Office [16]
USDA NRCS NH State Office [4] USDA NRCS NHQ [4]
USUHS Medical Non Research Projects [2] USUHS Medical Research Projects [4]
Utah State Office [20] Utilities Programs [154]
Uzbekistan USAID Tashkent [1]
VA Loan Guaranty Service [9] VA National Cemetery Administration [19]
VA Office of Mental Health [6] Vermont State Office [29]
Veterans Employment and Training Service [11] Veterans Employment Pay for Success [1]
Veterans Legacy Grants Program [1] VHA Member Services [9]
VHA Member Services Veterans Transportation [2] Virginia State Office [7]
Volunteer Income Tax assistance [11]
Walla Walla District [16] Warwick NRCS State Office [5]
Washington Headquarters Services [27] Washington State Office [18]
West Africa USAID Ghana [14] West Bank Gaza USAID West Bank [41]
Wisconsin NRCS State Office [2] Womens Bureau [6]
Woodrow Wilson Center [3] Wyoming State Office [6]
Zambia USAID Lusaka [42] Zimbabwe USAID Harare [34]

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