FY 2015 Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations

The summary for the FY 2015 Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data FederalGrants.com provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the Department of the Interior, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
FY 2015 Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations: The Secretary of the Interior established the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations (Buy-Back Program, Program) to implement the land consolidation provisions of the Cobell Settlement Agreement, which provided $1.9 billion to consolidate fractional land interests across Indian country. The Buy-Back Program allows interested individual owners to sell their land and transfer ownership of their interests to the tribe of jurisdiction. This effort will strengthen tribal sovereignty and put decision-making in the hands of the tribal government, freeing up resources that have been locked-up as land interests that have fractionated over time.

The Buy-Back Program is interested in partnering with eligible tribes to gain their direct participation in land consolidation efforts on the reservations under their jurisdiction as tribes are considered uniquely qualified to perform the land consolidation activities on their reservations. Consequently, the Program intends to, whenever feasible and practical, enter into single source cooperative agreements with eligible tribes to not only to capitalize on their unique knowledge of their reservations but also to improve the overall effectiveness of the Program. Eligible tribes will be given the opportunity to apply for a cooperative agreement, if desired, prior to the implementation of the Buy-Back Program at the location under their jurisdiction. More information is available at: http://www.doi.gov/buybackprogram/tribes/agreements.cfm. Tribes are encouraged to contact Program staff for more information on developing the cooperative agreement application prior to submission.

PLEASE NOTE: this is a 10-year program. The expiration on this posting reflects this current opportunity, and new opportunities will be posted over the duration of the Program. In addition, given that the Cobell Settlement sharply limits overall administrative funding for the duration of the Buy-Back Program, cooperative agreement awards are not intended to directly fund long-term, multi-year programs at each location or reservation. Most awards will provide funding for no longer than 1 year, and tribes are encouraged to utilize the award amount to work with existing tribal land offices and programs. Tribes are also encouraged to work with Program staff in the development of the cooperative agreement application.
Federal Grant Title: FY 2015 Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations
Federal Agency Name: Department of the Interior
Grant Categories: Other
Type of Opportunity: Other
Funding Opportunity Number: LBBP-2015-1
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 15.152
CFDA Descriptions: Land Buy-Back Program For Tribal Nations
Current Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2015
Original Application Deadline: Sep 30, 2015
Posted Date: October 1st, 2014
Creation Date: Oct 1, 2014
Archive Date: Oct 30, 2015
Total Program Funding:
Maximum Federal Grant Award: none
Minimum Federal Grant Award: none
Expected Number of Awards:
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Category Explanation
Funding is restricted to activities supporting the purchase of fractional interests in trust or restricted lands. Please see the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations website for additional information: http://www.doi.gov/buybackprogram.
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Additional Information on Eligibility
Eligibility is limited to tribes with jurisdiction over the approximately 150 locations with purchasable fractional land interests. Please see the website for additional information: http://www.doi.gov/buybackprogram
Link to Full Grant Announcement
Information not provided
Grant Announcement Contact
Faride Kraft Cooperative Agreement Specialist Phone 202-219-1335
[email protected]

Department of the Interior 202-513-0871
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