FY 2021 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF) Traditional Conservation Grants Program (Service Legacy Region 7)

The summary for the FY 2021 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF) Traditional Conservation Grants Program (Service Legacy Region 7) grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data FederalGrants.com provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the Fish and Wildlife Service, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
FY 2021 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF) Traditional Conservation Grants Program (Service Legacy Region 7): The principle objective of the Traditional Conservation Grant Program is to support the development and implementation of States' programs to conserve and recover threated and endangered species under the Service's jurisdiction. Financial assistance, provided in the form of grants, can be used to support projects that have direct conservation benefits for federally listed species, candidate and at-risk species, and recently delisted species. States may apply for funding to conduct work on federally-listed resident species that are included in the State's cooperative agreement. States may also apply for funding to monitor candidate, at-risk, and recently delisted species. Candidate Species are those that the Service determined warrant listing as a threatened or endangered species, but the listing is precluded by other higher priority actions. For the purposes of this Notice of Funding Opportunity, we are considering certain “at-risk” species in addition to Candidate Species: 1) those species that are the subject of a positive 90-day finding but not yet the subject of a proposed rule, 2) species that are the subject of a proposed listing rule but not a final rule, 3) species for which the Service has initiated an ESA status review and has announced the review in the Federal Register, and 4) species included on the National Listing Workplan. A full list of at-risk species can be found in Attachment A. Further, recently delisted species, for purposes of this solicitation, are those species delisted within the past five years. Only species delisted due to recovery may receive funding under this solicitation. A list of all delisted species and the year delisted is available at the Service's ECOS Delisted Species page. Projects proposed for funding may involve management, research, monitoring, and outreach activities or any combination thereof. Applications should include clear and specific information about how the proposed work would contribute to species recovery or prevent the need to list a species under the ESA. Successful applications will be those that clearly demonstrate a direct conservation benefit to the species or its habitat. Eligible activities may include, but are not limited to: Introduction of species into suitable habitats within their historic range Enhancement or restoration of habitat Surveys and inventories of habitats Species status surveys Propagation of animals and plants Research such as genetic analysis to determine genetic health and population structure Public education and outreach tools such as website development or coordination workshops with local landowners to address a specific threat to a species Monitoring of candidate, at-risk and recently recovered species
Federal Grant Title: FY 2021 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF) Traditional Conservation Grants Program (Service Legacy Region 7)
Federal Agency Name: Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI-FWS)
Grant Categories: Natural Resources
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: F21AS00178
Type of Funding: Grant
CFDA Numbers: 15.615
CFDA Descriptions: Information not provided
Current Application Deadline: May 12th, 2021
Original Application Deadline: May 12th, 2021
Posted Date: November 12th, 2020
Creation Date: November 12th, 2020
Archive Date: August 3rd, 2021
Total Program Funding: $106,502
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $106,502
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $1,000
Expected Number of Awards:
Cost Sharing or Matching: Yes
Last Updated: November 12th, 2020
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
State governments
Additional Information on Eligibility
Only States agencies that have entered into a cooperative agreement with the Service pursuant to section 6(c) of the ESA or enters into/reconfirms such an agreement within 30 days of the application deadline are eligible to apply under this funding opportunity. The Service requires a complete, signed cooperative agreement before it can obligate Federal funds to a project [50 CFR 81.3, 50 CFR 81.5, 43 CFR 12.50(b)(3)]. While funding can only be granted to States, individuals or groups (for example counties or conservation organizations) may work with a State agency that has a cooperative agreement on conservation efforts that are mutually beneficial, as a subgrantee.
Grant Announcement Contact
Drew Crane
[email protected]
[email protected]
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