Legal and Business Internship Program

The summary for the Legal and Business Internship Program grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the Middle East Partnership Initiative, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
Legal and Business Internship Program: The Office of the Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) announces an open competition for proposals that supports economic, political, and educational reform efforts womens empowerment in the Middle East. To advance this mission in the areas of economic and political reform opportunity, a critical goal is to champion business development and strengthen the rule of law. Through this RFA, MEPI seeks to increase international networks and provide the specific skills needed by managers and lawyers to grow their business advocate for an improved investment climate and appropriate legal reforms.The Legal and Business Internship Program (LaBIP) is specifically designed to create a cadre of professionals with crucial experience that only hands-on training can provide. Working in the American legal and business environment will give these future leaders unique tools and skills that they can take home and incorporate into regional enterprises and law firms- whether new or existing, large or small. It will provide skills training, professional networking, and alumni support systems to increase the managerial and entrepreneurial skills available in Arab economies and the number of voices championing a larger role for the private sector in Arab economies. The U.S. portion of the program will consist of a four-week LLM-level or MBA academic program, including coursework in Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure, Human Rights and Womens Rights, Due Process and Torts for the lawyers and management, finance, business strategy and information technology for the businesswomen, followed by a five-month internship in a U.S law firm or business. Cultural enrichment and monitoring will be provided throughout the program. The program will cover international and domestic travel, health insurance, housing and a living stipend in the U.S. Following the completion of the program, participants will be integrated into an alumni community to support the development of an alumni network. This request for applications (RFA) seeks an organization to design, plan, and execute the Legal and Business Internship Programs participant recruitment, participant selection, pre-program preparation, identification of Internships, academic preparation programs, and support administration and alumni activities and other elements related to the Cooperative Agreement. On an annual basis, the Legal and Business Internship Program must consist of one (1) session of the U.S. based legal and business Internship program of up to 40 participants and one (1) alumni event in the region. Alumni events will be open to all former program participants as well. Additional innovative components that could be added to the approach, such as a business mentoring element or internship programs are considered optional.Applicant organizations must demonstrate the ability to effectively administer participant recruitment, preparation and support component of the U.S. Business Internship Program for Young Arab Women program. Participant preparation and support responsibilities in administrative categories are listed below. It should be understood that in the implementation of all of these responsibilities, MEPI must be consulted, especially in the resolution of any and all problems that may arise. The administrative portion of the grant should be kept to a minimum, and MEPI encourages applicants to provide maximum levels of cost sharing and funding from private sources in support of this project.Proposals that offer full participation by women and/or youth are encouraged. All applicants are asked to include in their proposals an explanation of how women and youth in particular will benefit, and, if that direction is not applicable, an explanation of why not.In keeping with President Bushs Volunteers for Prosperity initiative, proposals that use highly skilled American volunteers are encouraged. The proposal should explain clearly how the volunteers will be used and, if this is not applicable, an explanation of why not.
Federal Grant Title: Legal and Business Internship Program
Federal Agency Name: Middle East Partnership Initiative
Grant Categories: Law Justice and Legal Services Business and Commerce
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: LABIP022206
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 19.500
CFDA Descriptions: Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)
Current Application Deadline: No deadline provided
Original Application Deadline: May 01, 2006 The LaBIP deadline has been extended
Posted Date: Feb 22, 2006
Creation Date: Feb 22, 2006
Archive Date: May 31, 2006
Total Program Funding: $2,000,000
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $2,000,000
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $1,000,000
Expected Number of Awards: 2
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
State governments Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification) Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
Additional Information on Eligibility
Eligible applicants include any U.S. -or foreign-registered non-governmental organization, U.S. foreign private institutions or commercial entitities and U.S. state or local governments. MEPI encourages applications from partnerships or consortia including local organizations. For the purposes of this RFA, partnership is defined as a negotiated arrangement among organizations that provides for a substantive, collaborative role for each of the partners in the planning and implementation of the project. Applications intending to represent a coalition of providers should be prepared to provide, if requested, a signed partnership agreement stating: . An intent to commit or receive resources or services from the prospective partner(s) contingent upon receipt of funds; . How the partnership arrangement advances the objectives of the project; . Supporting documentation identifying the resources, experience, and expertise of the partner(s); . Evidence that the partner(s) has been involved in the planning of the project; . Clarification of the role of the partner(s) in the implementation of the project, evaluation, and sustainability. Additional Information on Eligibility: All Federal assistance recipients must have a Dun & Bradstreet Number prior to funds disbursement per a U.S. Government policy (published in the Federal Register June 27, 2003) applicable to all grant recipients. A DUNS number may be acquired at no cost by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS number request line at 1-866-705-5711 or requesting on-line at
Link to Full Grant Announcement
Information not provided
Grant Announcement Contact
Sonia Franceski
Telephone: 202-776-8626 [email protected] Middle East Partnership Initiative
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