Notice of Intent: Next Generation of Electric Machines: Enabling Technologies

The summary for the Notice of Intent: Next Generation of Electric Machines: Enabling Technologies grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the Golden Field Office, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
Notice of Intent: Next Generation of Electric Machines: Enabling Technologies: The purpose of this Notice is to provide potential applicants advance notice that the Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), on behalf of the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), intends to issue a FOA titled "Next Generation of Electric Machines: Enabling Technologies" (DE-FOA-0001467).

This Notice is issued so that interested parties are aware of the EERE’s intention to issue this FOA in the near term. All of the information contained in this Notice is subject to change. EERE may issue a FOA as described herein, may issue a FOA that is significantly different than the FOA described herein, or DOE may not issue a FOA at all.

NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED THROUGH THIS NOTICE. Please do not submit questions or respond to this Notice of Intent. Prospective applicants to the FOA should begin developing partnerships, formulating ideas, and gathering data in anticipation of the issuance of this FOA. It is anticipated that this FOA will be posted to EERE Exchange in March 2016.

The applicant must first register and create an account on the EERE Exchange website. A User Guide for the EERE Exchange can be found on the EERE website after logging in to the system.
Federal Grant Title: Notice of Intent: Next Generation of Electric Machines: Enabling Technologies
Federal Agency Name: Golden Field Office
Grant Categories: Energy
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: DE-FOA-0001525
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 81.087
CFDA Descriptions: Renewable Energy Research and Development
Current Application Deadline: No deadline provided
Original Application Deadline: No deadline provided
Posted Date: Feb 18, 2016
Creation Date: Feb 18, 2016
Archive Date: Aug 18, 2016
Total Program Funding: $25,000,000
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $6,500,000
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $1,000,000
Expected Number of Awards: 12
Cost Sharing or Matching: Yes
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"
Link to Full Grant Announcement
Grant Announcement Contact
EERE Exchange [email protected]
[email protected]

Golden Field Office 720-356-1478
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