Opportunity NPS-NOINOCAJ9471101283

The summary for the Opportunity NPS-NOINOCAJ9471101283 grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data FederalGrants.com provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the National Park Service, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
Opportunity NPS-NOINOCAJ9471101283: NPS-NOINOCAJ9471101283 SINGLE SOURCE AWARD NOTICE OF INTENT I. Funding Opportunity Description- the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, North Cascades National Park, intends to make a single source award to the North Cascade Institute (NCI), 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284. This is a noncompetitive award in accordance with Department of Interior Policy, Departmental Manual 505DM2 based upon Unique Qualifications. NCI is uniquely qualified to perform the activity based upon demonstrated factors, specifically, location, technical expertise, and other unique qualifications as outlined in this document. The National Park Service, North Cascades National Park, intends to award a Task Agreement (TA) to provide for butterfly research and studies based upon this announcement. Presently, a five year Cooperative Agreement is in place with NCI, this TA is to fund butterfly research and studies at Mount Rainier National Park and North Cascades National Park. The value of this Task Agreement is $12,000. This funding announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service, intention to fund the following project activities without full and open competition. Cooperative Agreement (CA) #H9471101042 was entered into by and between North Cascades Institute (NCI) and the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), National Park Service (NPS), North Cascades National Park (NOCA). This TA supports the goals of the CA to work collaboratively to support the training and education of volunteers to monitor butterflies in subalpine ecosystems. This project entitled "Develop a Program to Engage the Public in Monitoring and Conservation of Butterflies in Subalpine Ecosystems", unless otherwise shown below, follows the terms of the original CA. The purpose of this TA is to provide funding for the North Cascades Institute (NCI) to work with North Cascades National Park Service Complex (NOCA) and Mount Rainier National Park (MORA) to develop and implement a program to engage the public in monitoring and protection of butterflies in subalpine ecosystems. NOCA and MORA are initiating a volunteer- based butterfly monitoring program to aid the two parks in a long-term assessment of the effects of global warming on the distribution and abundance of butterflies in high-elevation areas of the parks. Global warming is occurring at a rapid rate and mountain ecosystems are particularly susceptible to climate change. Butterflies provide an easily monitored indicator or vital sign of climate change. First, due to their life history traits and thermoregulatory factors they are sensitive to temperature changes. Second, changes in their abundance and distribution are indicative of changes in other terrestrial insect groups, in particular bumblebees, hoverflies, and ants. Third, butterflies are being monitored in many areas of the world facilitating comparisons between adjacent management zones, mountain ranges, and continents. Last, they are relatively easy to identify and have been used successfully in volunteer based monitoring programs. NOCA and MORA are jointly initiating a volunteer butterfly monitoring program to document trends in butterfly diversity, abundances, and distribution. The program will be initiated in 2011 through cooperative agreements with NCI, Western Washington University (WWU), and Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). Dr. John McLaughlin (WWU) and Dr. Dana Garrigan (Carthage University) have been primary contributors to the development of monitoring protocols and sampling designs. NCI will collaborate with MORA, NOCA, WWU, Dr. Garrigan, and OMSI in the development of a public engagement program that will include communication on butterfly biology and recruitment, education, and support of volunteers. OMSI will provide a high school research team in the first year of the program to assist in the evaluation of high school students in the collection of scientific data. During 2008 and 2009, preliminary data was collected to test draft protocols and sampling schemes. During the the planning seasons of 2008-2009, the core program participants (NOCA, MORA, OMSI, WWU, and Dr. Garrigan) field tested methods and the use of high school volunteers. Based on the two field seasons, we have identified various components of the long-term monitoring program that can utilize volunteers with different skill sets. The first step of the project will be to review the protocols, experiences from 2008-2009, review other similar projects that NCI has lead, and then develop a communication and engagement plan that fits within our budget. Our second step will be to initiate the long-term butterfly monitoring program in 2011. II. Award Information- the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, North Cascades National Park, intends to make a single source award to the North Cascades Institute, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, Washington 98284. This is a noncompetitive award in accordance with Department of Interior Policy, Departmental Manual 505DM2. III. Eligibility Information- the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, North Cascades National Park, intends to make a single source award to North Cascades Institute, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, Washington 98284. This is a noncompetitive award in accordance with Department of Interior Policy, Departmental Manual 505DM2. NCI is classified as a nonprofit with 501 (C) (3) IRS status. This funding announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service, intention to fund the following project activities without full and open competition. IV. Application and Submission Information- This funding announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service, intention to fund the following project activities without full and open competition. V. Application Review Information- the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, North Cascades National Park, intends to make a single source award to North Cascades Institute, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, Washington 98284. This is a noncompetitive award in accordance with Department of Interior Policy, Departmental Manual 505DM2. VI. Award Administration Information- the U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, North Cascades National Park, intends to make a single source award to North Cascades Institute, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, Washington 98284. This is a noncompetitive award in accordance with Department of Interior Policy, Departmental Manual 505DM2. VII. Agency Contact(s)- Point of contact for inquiries related to this opportunity. Barry Fetzer, Supervisory Contract Specialist, North Cascades National Park, 810 State Route 20, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 or via e-mail at [email protected]
Federal Grant Title: Opportunity NPS-NOINOCAJ9471101283
Federal Agency Name: National Park Service
Grant Categories: Natural Resources
Type of Opportunity: Other
Funding Opportunity Number: NPS-NOINOCAJ9471101283
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 00.000
CFDA Descriptions: Not Elsewhere Classified
Current Application Deadline: Sep 24, 2010
Original Application Deadline: Sep 24, 2010
Posted Date: Sep 22, 2010
Creation Date: Sep 22, 2010
Archive Date: Sep 27, 2010
Total Program Funding: $12,000
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $12,000
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $1
Expected Number of Awards: 1
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Additional Information on Eligibility
This announcement is a Notice of Intent to award a Task Agreement against an existing Cooperative Agreement without full and open competition.
Grant Announcement Contact
Barry Fetzer Contract Specialist Phone 360-854-7219

NOCA Contracting Officer [[email protected]]
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