Opportunity USDA-NRCS-10-003

The summary for the Opportunity USDA-NRCS-10-003 grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data FederalGrants.com provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the Hawaii State Office, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
Opportunity USDA-NRCS-10-003: PURPOSE The Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) is a voluntary conservation program that promotes sustainable agricultural productivity and environmental quality as compatible goals by protecting highly erodible and environmentally sensitive cropland, reducing sedimentation, improving water quality, and promoting water conservation. Through EQIP farmers and ranchers may receive financial and technical assistance to install or implement structural and management practices on their land. EQIP was revised and extended through 2010 by the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, which provides that the Secretary may request the services of, and enter into grant agreements with, non-Federal entities to assist in providing technical assistance necessary to develop and implement conservation programs under Title II - Conservation. SUMMARY The objective of EQIP in Hawaii is to optimize environmental benefits addressing the following resource concerns: 1) Waste from Confined Livestock Operations; 2) Sedimentation from Accelerated Erosion; 3) Noxious Weeds; 4) Insufficient Water Supply for Livestock or Irrigation; 5) Pesticide or Nutrient Contamination of Ground or Surface Waters; 6) At-Risk Species Habitat; 7) Invasive Species; and 8) Ground and Surface Water Conservation. The following Items of Work will consist of providing the planning, design, and layout in accordance with the applicable Conservation Practice Standards, Specifications, and Statements of Work (See Appendix I). A. Access Roads This phase consists of inventorying and evaluating site conditions, drainage areas, weather patterns, topography, soil, and loading conditions. Determine requirements and design Conservation practices for implementation in accordance with those requirements and the Conservation plan. Develop construction drawings and specifications, a cost estimate, and a written design report which shall be made available to NRCS prior to the beginning of construction. All designs shall meet NRCS standards as described in Section IV of the Electronic Field Office Technical Guide. The designer shall prepare and review with the client an Operation and Maintenance Plan for each Conservation practice installed. Upon completion of construction, the designer shall submit as-built drawings for practices installed, with certification that the practices were installed in accordance with NRCS standards and specifications. Estimated total design requirement is three surfaced Access Roads totaling approximately 1,942 feet as well as approximately 2,200 feet of un-surfaced field Access Roads. 1. Access Road (560) This work consists of providing design of surfaced and un-surfaced access roads in accordance with Conservation Practice Standard No. 560. Deliverables shall include at minimum a list of required permits and plans and specifications in accordance with this standard. The design shall include road alignment, cross-sectional requirements, and surface and drainage treatments. Surface treatments are expected to include gravel or crushed rock and geotextile fabric, or similar materials. Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each linear foot of access road designed for both surfaced and un-surfaced access roads. B. Irrigation Systems This phase consists of inventorying and evaluating site conditions, gathering information such as soils, crops, topography, and method of water delivery. Determine irrigation water requirements based on climate, soils, crop needs, irrigation management needs, and selecting and sizing irrigation system components in accordance with those requirements and the Conservation Plan. Develop construction drawings and specifications, a cost estimate, and a written design report which shall be made available to NRCS prior to the beginning of construction. All designs shall meet NRCS standards as described in Section IV of the Electronic Field Office Technical Guide. The designer shall prepare and review with the client an Operation and Maintenance Plan for each Conservation practice installed. Upon completion of construction, the designer shall submit as-built drawings for practices installed, with certification that the practices were installed in accordance with NRCS standards and specifications. Estimated total design requirement is two irrigation systems on a total of 5.6 acres. 1. Irrigation System, Sprinkler Irrigation (442) This work will consist of providing design of a Sprinkler Irrigation System, including appurtenances, for the application of irrigation water on cropland, in accordance with Conservation Practice Standard and Specification No. 442. Deliverables shall include at minimum a list of required permits and plans and specifications in accordance with this standard. Irrigation systems are planned to be sprinkler, with appurtenances to include valves, filters, pumps, etc. Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each acre of cropland served by the irrigation system design, measured to the nearest 0.1 of an acre. Approximately one system on about 4.1 acres of cropland will be needed. 2. Irrigation System, Microirrigation (441) This work will consist of providing design of Microirrigation systems, including appurtenances, for the application of irrigation water on cropland, in accordance with Conservation Practice Standard and Specification No. 441. Deliverables shall include at minimum a list of required permits and plans and specifications in accordance with this standard. Irrigation systems are planned to be trickle or microsprinkler, with appurtenances to include valves, filters, pumps, etc. Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each acre of cropland served by the irrigation system design, measured to the nearest 0.1 of an acre. Approximately one system on about 1.5 acres of cropland will be needed. 3. Irrigation Water Management (449) This work will consist of providing an irrigation water management plan for the application of irrigation water on cropland, in accordance with Conservation Practice Standard No. 449, Irrigation Water Management. Irrigation water management plans will include an irrigation schedule, to be based on rainfall, climate, soils, and crop irrigated. Irrigation water management plans for crops are estimated to range in size from 1.5 acres to 4.1 acres of crop area. Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each acre of cropland served by the water management plan, measured to the nearest 0.1 of an acre. Approximately two management plans covering about 5.6 acres will be needed. C. Grassed Waterway & Terrace System This phase consists of inventorying and evaluating site conditions, gathering information such as drainage area, topography, soils and climate data. Determine the design spacing, cross-section, alignment and gradient in accordance with those requirements and the Conservation Plan. Develop construction drawings and specifications, a cost estimate, and a written design report which will be provided to NRCS prior to the beginning of construction. All designs shall meet NRCS standards as described in Section IV of the Electronic Field Office Technical Guide. The designer shall prepare and review with the client an Operation and Maintenance Plan for each Conservation practice installed. Upon completion of construction, the designer shall submit as-built drawings for practices installed, with certification that the practices were installed in accordance with NRCS standards and specifications. Estimated total design requirement is one grassed waterway and three terraces in a system totaling approximately 550 feet to control drainage in an orchard setting. 1. Grassed Waterway (412) This work consists of providing design of a constructed channel to be shaped or graded to required dimensions and established with suitable vegetation in accordance with Conservation Practice Standard No. 412, Grassed Waterway. Deliverables shall include at minimum a list of required permits and plans and specifications in accordance with this standard. Design of one grassed waterway is anticipated, with an estimated length of approximately 100 linear feet. Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each linear foot of grassed waterway designed. 2. Terrace (600) This work will consist of providing design of an earthen embankment or a combination ridge and channel, to be shaped or graded to required dimensions, in accordance with Conservation Practice Standard and Specification No. 600, Terrace. Deliverables shall include at minimum a list of required permits and plans and specifications in accordance with this standard. Design of one terrace system is anticipated, with an estimated length of approximately 550 linear feet. Payment will be made at the contract unit price for each linear foot of diversion designed. D. Reporting The designer is responsible for reporting completed items into the NRCS electronic reporting system (tech PRS) at the time the technical services are completed in order to receive payment. Progress to be reported in Tech PRS includes planning activities and implementation of practices (design, installation, checkout) which is accessible from the TechReg website at http://techreg.usda.gov/. NRCS anticipates not being substantially involved in carrying out the work covered by this grant agreement. NRCS will provide program oversight and will provide agency software, forms, and other resource information.
Federal Grant Title: Opportunity USDA-NRCS-10-003
Federal Agency Name: Hawaii State Office
Grant Categories: Agriculture
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: USDA-NRCS-10-003
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 10.912
CFDA Descriptions: Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Current Application Deadline: Aug 13, 2010
Original Application Deadline: Aug 13, 2010
Posted Date: Jul 30, 2010
Creation Date: Jul 30, 2010
Archive Date: Sep 12, 2010
Total Program Funding: $38,000
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $38,000
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $28,000
Expected Number of Awards: 1
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"
Grant Announcement Contact
Douglas Maguire Grant & Agreement Specialist Phone 808-541-2600

[email protected] [[email protected]]
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