SAMHSA Dissertation Grants: Support for Analyses in Substance Abuse (Modified Announcement)

The summary for the SAMHSA Dissertation Grants: Support for Analyses in Substance Abuse (Modified Announcement) grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the Office of Applied Studies, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
SAMHSA Dissertation Grants: Support for Analyses in Substance Abuse (Modified Announcement): The purpose of the program is to expand the number of researchers who conduct high-quality substance abuse services research, the study of how various factors (social, financial, organizational, and personal) affect the need for and access to substance abuse treatment, the quality and cost of substance abuse treatment, and, ultimately, health and well being. The research domains are individuals, families, organizations, institutions, communities and populations. Funded projects may address topics including the organization, financing and delivery of substance abuse prevention and treatment services, and the need for such services, as well as methodological advances in health services research methods applicable to the study of substance abuse issues. In addition, attention to substance abuse issues in racial/ethnic minority populations, women, children and families, older adults, low income groups, the homeless, those in rural settings, and persons with mental illness is encouraged. Topics of special interest include the factors affecting the supply of services, the cost effectiveness of prevention and treatment services, barriers to access to care, and alternative sources of treatment such as the criminal justice system and faith-based organizations. Given the programs focus, submission of proposals involving secondary analyses of existing data sources is encouraged, while submission of clinical research proposals is discouraged. In addition to developing a cadre of researchers capable of producing high-quality substance abuse services research, one of the goals of the program is to promote secondary analyses of data collected by SAMHSA, although secondary analyses of other relevant data sets is acceptable.Applications for this grant must be made with Form PHS 398. Please see full grant discription on SAMHSA website ( for more information and links to appropriate forms.
Federal Grant Title: SAMHSA Dissertation Grants: Support for Analyses in Substance Abuse (Modified Announcement)
Federal Agency Name: Office of Applied Studies
Grant Categories: Health
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: PA04-001-MOD
Type of Funding: Grant
CFDA Numbers: 93.243
CFDA Descriptions: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services_Projects of Regional and National Significance
Current Application Deadline: No deadline provided
Original Application Deadline: May 01, 2005 This is an ongoing grant announcemen
Posted Date: Jan 25, 2005
Creation Date: Apr 27, 2006
Archive Date: Apr 26, 2006
Total Program Funding: $150,000
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $30,000
Minimum Federal Grant Award:
Expected Number of Awards: 5
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education Private institutions of higher education
Additional Information on Eligibility
Eligible applicants are domestic public or private, nonprofit entities. The statutory authority for this program precludes grants to for-profit organizations and any non-domestic entity. Students registered and in good standing at an accredited academic doctoral degree program (e.g., Ph.D., Sc.D., or Dr.P.H.), which requires a dissertation based on original research, may apply. The student must apply through an eligible institution that will administer the grant on his or her behalf. The dissertation must examine in a quantitative way a problem or issue in the area of substance abuse. Students in such fields as sociology, psychology, social work, biostatistics, epidemiology, economics, policy, management, medicine, nursing, public health or health services research are especially encouraged to apply.
Link to Full Grant Announcement
Information not provided
Grant Announcement Contact
Duffy, Ph.D., Sarah, Senior Economist, Phone 240-276-1253, Email [email protected] [email protected] Duffy, Ph.D.
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