U.S. Embassy Helsinki Small Grants Program

The summary for the U.S. Embassy Helsinki Small Grants Program grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data FederalGrants.com provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the US Mission to Finland, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
U.S. Embassy Helsinki Small Grants Program: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The U.S. Embassy Finland supports a variety of projects through its Small Grants Program, which is designed to support eligible organizations and individuals in the implementation of programs advancing U.S.-Finnish relations. The embassy is now accepting proposals for projects with a start date before December 31, 2021. Proposals ranging from $2,000 to $20,000 will be considered. Proposals must be submitted to [email protected] by 11:59 p.m. (Helsinki time) on April 15, 2021. The embassy welcomes proposals from all over Finland, including projects outside of Helsinki. The Embassy uses a two-step process to receive small grant applications. Step 1: Interested applicants must submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) by April 15, 2021, for evaluation by the Embassy grants review committee. An SOI is a concise 1-2 page proposal designed to clearly communicate program idea and objectives. This is not a full proposal. The purpose of the SOI process is to allow applicants to submit program ideas for evaluation prior to requiring the development of a full proposal application. Step 2: Upon a merit review of eligible SOIs, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full grant application. Full proposals will go through a second merit review before a final funding decision is made. Program Objectives: The U.S. Embassy Finland is particularly, but not exclusively, interested in proposals focused on the following themes: · Strengthening the Transatlantic relationship · Increasing cooperation between Arctic states and communities · Addressing media literacy and critical thinking in the age of disinformation · Increasing collaboration and exchange between American and Finnish students and teachers · Engaging diverse Finnish populations · Promoting economic prosperity, entrepreneurship, and innovation The U.S. Embassy also encourages innovative proposals that promote American art and culture in Finland to help advance the above objectives. Given current limitations on in-person programming due to COVID-19 public health guidelines in Finland, the U.S. Embassy is particularly interested in programs focused on small group, virtual, or hybrid in-person and online engagements. Participants and Audiences: The U.S. Embassy seeks geographically and demographically diverse audiences within Finland and proposals with a significant programming component outside of Helsinki are strongly encouraged. Length of performance period: Proposed projects should be completed in 12 months or less. In exceptional and justified cases, the Embassy will consider extending the project performance period. Award amounts: awards may range from USD 2,000-USD 20,000 This notice is subject to availability of funding. ELIGILIBITY INFORMATION The following organizations are eligible to apply: · Not-for-profit organizations/associations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations · Educational institutions · Individuals · Foreign Public Entities (FPE), for example: Public International Organizations and Governmental institutions For-profit or commercial entities are not eligible to apply. Embassy grants cannot be used to fund religious or partisan political activity or for: fundraising campaigns; commercial projects or for-profit ventures; individual academic research projects; construction projects; or projects whose primary objective is an organization's institutional development or an individual's personal enrichment or career development. Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization. APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION Please follow all instructions below carefully. SOIs that do not meet the requirements of this announcement or fail to comply with the stated requirements will be ineligible. Content of Statement of Interest must include: · A brief project description summarizing goals, objectives outcomes, performance indicators, beneficiaries, and proposed timeline · A clear statement of the applicant's organizational capacity to carry out the proposed activity and manage U.S. Government funds · Documents in English · The anticipated total budget amount (in U.S. dollars) Note: Organizations are not required to have a valid Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number –formally referred to as DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number- nor active SAM.gov registration to apply at this stage of the solicitation. However, if a SOI is accepted for a full proposal application, the organization must obtain a UEI and have an active SAM.gov registration before submitting its full proposal application. As this process can take several weeks, we recommend starting the process of obtaining a SAM.gov registration as soon as possible. Please note there is no cost associated with UEI or SAM.gov registration. Individuals are not required to have a unique entity identifier or be registered in SAM.gov. Submission Dates and Times: SOIs are due no later than April 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. [email protected]  APPLICATION REVIEW INFORMATION Following the SOI review, successful applicants will be contacted and instructed to submit a full application. A full application will include: · SF-424 (Application for Federal Assistance – organizations) or SF-424-I (Application for Federal Assistance --individuals)  · SF424A (Budget Information for Non-Construction programs) · SF424B (Assurances for Non-Construction programs) for individual or organization exempted from registering in SAM. · Unique Entity Identifier and System for Award Management (SAM.gov) Required Registrations: In order to apply, all organizations must have a unique entity identifier (Data Universal Numbering System/DUNS number from Dun & Bradstreet), as well as a valid registration on https://www.sam.gov/SAM/. Individuals are not required to have a unique entity identifier or be registered in SAM.gov. Please follow the following steps to obtain the DUNS number and SAM registration: Step 1: Apply for a DUNS number and an NCAGE number (these can be completed simultaneously) DUNS application: Organizations must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number from Dun & Bradstreet. To obtain a DUNS number, register at https://fedgov.dnb.com/webform NCAGE application: https://eportal.nspa.nato.int/AC135Public/CageTool/request-new-cage Instructions for the NCAGE application process: https://eportal.nspa.nato.int/AC135Public/Docs/US%20Instructions%20for%20NSPA%20NCAGE.pdf (PDF, 1 MB) Step 2: After receiving the NCAGE Code, register in SAM.gov at https://www.sam.gov. Please note that obtaining your username and password does not complete the registration. This only allows you to enter the database and register your organization. SAM registration must be renewed annually and is free of charge. Please visit https://www.sam.gov/SAM/ for help with registration. Any applicant listed on the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) in the System for Award Management (SAM) is not eligible to apply for an assistance award in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR, 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR, 1989 Comp., p. 235), “Debarment and Suspension.” Additionally, no entity listed on the EPLS can participate in any activities under an award. All applicants are strongly encouraged to review the EPLS in SAM to ensure that no ineligible entity is included. Questions: Please consult our Small Grants FAQ for additional information regarding the program, application, and selection process. Please contact [email protected] with additional questions.
Federal Grant Title: U.S. Embassy Helsinki Small Grants Program
Federal Agency Name: US Mission to Finland (DOS-FIN)
Grant Categories: Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: PAS-FI-FY21-01
Type of Funding: Grant
CFDA Numbers: 19.040
CFDA Descriptions: Information not provided
Current Application Deadline: May 15th, 2021
Original Application Deadline: May 15th, 2021
Posted Date: February 11th, 2021
Creation Date: February 11th, 2021
Archive Date: June 14th, 2021
Total Program Funding:
Maximum Federal Grant Award: $20,000
Minimum Federal Grant Award: $2,000
Expected Number of Awards:
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Last Updated: February 11th, 2021
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification.)
Additional Information on Eligibility
• Not-for-profit organizations/associations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations • Educational institutions • Individuals • Foreign Public Entities (FPE), for example: Public International Organizations and Governmental institutions
Grant Announcement Contact
Helsinki PAS
Phone 358961625255
PAS email
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