Lead State in the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Infrastructure Consortium

The summary for the Lead State in the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Infrastructure Consortium grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data FederalGrants.com provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the DOT Federal Highway Administration, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
Lead State in the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Infrastructure Consortium: This notice concerns a proposed SOLE-SOURCE award. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) intends to award, NON-COMPETITIVELY, to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), a task order Cooperative Agreement under which VDOT will serve for five years as the Lead State in the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance (CICAS) Infrastructure Consortium (IC). As the Lead State in the CICAS IC, VDOT will enter into agreements with other state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and local agencies as necessary to accomplish the goals of the CICAS program. As the Lead State, VDOT will be responsible for the distribution of federal funds to other CICAS IC partner agencies and for tracking the 20% federal match requirements for the CICAS IC. Although VDOTs work will be precisely defined only as individual Task Orders are hereafter issued under the Cooperative Agreement, it is now known that VDOTs work will include the following: (a) Program Management of all of the necessary work, travel, etc. to supervise the project as well as the interface and coordination efforts with the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) stakeholder group; (b) System Design, including development of a concept of operations, functional design, performance requirements, and system design for cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems; (c) State Map Development, including development of the state map(s) component of the system; the state map is the repository of all of the information needed to define the condition of the intersection (e.g., geometric mapping, global positioning system correction data, traffic-signal controller state, and dynamic object data; (d) System Development, including development of prototype cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems for testing purposes, and system development for conducting field operations as well as testing early versions of the systems; (e) Human Factors, including the conducting of human factors related studies to develop recommendations for the driver interfaces for cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems; (f) Systems Evaluation, including integration and assessment of the utility of cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems; (g) Engineering Demonstrations, including the conducting of such demonstrations of CICAS instrumented intersections; these engineering demonstrations will utilize test vehicles used for experimental procedures, and will be designed to illustrate system functionality, performance, robustness, and reliability to the DOT; (h) System Engineering Documentation, including documentation of the CICAS concept of operations, the system requirement specification, the system interface specification, the system design and infrastructure architecture; and (i) Outreach and Communication, including engaging the infrastructure stakeholder community on CICAS issues in order to make the system acceptable to the infrastructure owner/operator; this will involve developing briefings to groups such as the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials, local and state DOTs, traffic control device suppliers and consultants, and developing brochures, trade press articles, and web site material to explain CICAS in terms that can be understood, as a potential part of the stakeholders toolbox of traffic engineering alternatives. For the following reasons, it is believed that VDOT is the ONLY organization that is BOTH capable of, and interested in, performing this project: (1) VDOT has participated in CICAS IC planning activities including meetings and teleconferences; (2) VDOT possesses capability and experience related to advanced research and development of cooperative intersection collision avoidance systems because VDOT currently participates in the U. S. Department of Transportations Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) Infrastructure Consortium, along with California DOT and Minnesota DOT; (3) At the present time the FHWA believes that there are only four state DOTs-----those of California, Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia----which possess needed experience with CICAS IC or with Intelligent Transportation Research, and which are ALSO committed to joining CICAS at this time; (4) Of the four states just mentioned, only Virginia DOT (VDOT) has shown its commitment to supply the additional resources necessary to take on the ADMINISTRATIVE duties associated with being the Lead State in the CICAS IC; (4) In its role in the IVI Infrastructure Consortium, VDOT has demonstrated its technical leadership and commitment to developing intersection collision avoidance systems; (5) VDOT has proven through its research, development, and demonstration of technology that its cooperative intersection violation warning system, a major component of the CICAS program, is by far the most advanced in the country; (6) Under the IVI Infrastructure Consortium, VDOT has shown its ability to commit staff time and other resources necessary to manage the program; (7) VDOT has also demonstrated its capability to work with automobile Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) through the joint development of a cooperative intersection violation warning system with automatic vehicle braking that is singular among state DOTs; and (8) VDOTs technical leadership in intersection collision avoidance systems and its commitment of the necessary resources to act as the Lead State makes VDOT the only choice for Lead State in the CICAS IC. HOWEVER, any interested organization (other than VDOT) that believes it can clearly and convincingly DEMONSTRATE its complete capability to serve as the Lead State in this CICAS IC project shall, not later than June 8, 2005, submit a Statement of Qualifications to Mr. James Mowery at the following address: Office of Acquisition Management (HAAM30-D), Federal Highway Administration, Room 4410, 400 Seventh Street, S. W., Washington, D. C. 20590.
Federal Grant Title: Lead State in the Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems Infrastructure Consortium
Federal Agency Name: DOT Federal Highway Administration
Grant Categories: Transportation
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: DTFH61-05-RA-00107
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 20.215
CFDA Descriptions: Highway Training and Education
Current Application Deadline: No deadline provided
Original Application Deadline: Jun 08, 2005 June 8, 2005 is the date for RECEIPT
Posted Date: Aug 30, 2005
Creation Date: Aug 30, 2005
Archive Date: Mar 31, 2006
Total Program Funding: $40,000,000
Maximum Federal Grant Award:
Minimum Federal Grant Award:
Expected Number of Awards: 1
Cost Sharing or Matching: Yes
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
State governments
Additional Information on Eligibility
This entire procurement (i.e., Request for Applications No. DTFH61-05-RA-00107) has been CANCELLED due to a change in the Federal Highway Administration's program priorities. No award has been made and no award will be made from that Request for Applications.
Grant Announcement Contact
Mowery, James, Contract Specialists, Phone (202) 366-4244, Fax (202) 366-3705, Email [email protected] [email protected] Mowery, James
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