Browse 14237 Federal Natural Resources Grants below, sorted by the deadline to apply.
The United States Government agency or department offering the grant is also listed.
Select a specific Natural Resources grant to read the full description of the opportunity.
The full description contains the grant type, total award amount, eligible applicants, important dates, and official contact details.
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Close Date | Grant Title | Agency |
May 22nd, 2018 |
Combat Wildlife Trafficking in South Asia |
Bureau of International Narcotics Law Enforcement |
May 22nd, 2018 |
Combat Wildlife Trafficking in Vietnam |
Bureau of International Narcotics Law Enforcement |
May 3rd, 2018 |
2018 Water Use Data and Research Program |
Geological Survey |
April 4th, 2018 |
Estuarine Wetland and Nearshore Ecology Studies along the Pacific Flyway |
Geological Survey |
April 23rd, 2018 |
BLM-CO Enhancing Wildlife Habitats in Partnership, White River Field Office |
Bureau of Land Management |
May 18th, 2018 |
Announcement for proposals to provide NRCS easement programs restoration assistance. |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
April 3rd, 2018 |
Notice of Intent |
Geological Survey |
April 20th, 2018 |
BLM-CO Strengthening Partnerships to Address Aquatic Invasive Species and Enhance Aquatic Habitats |
Bureau of Land Management |
July 17th, 2018 |
WaterSMART Grants: Water Marketing Strategy Grants for Fiscal Year 2018 |
Bureau of Reclamation |
May 18th, 2018 |
Climate Variability and Predictability |
Department of Commerce |
July 31st, 2018 |
WaterSMART Grants: Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects for Fiscal Year 2018 |
Bureau of Reclamation |
May 10th, 2018 |
WaterSMART Grants: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants for Fiscal Year 2018 |
Bureau of Reclamation |
March 30th, 2018 |
Diamondback Terrapin Research and Monitoring |
Dept of the Army Corps of Engineers |
May 11th, 2018 |
Announcement for Program Funding for NRCS' Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) for Federal fiscal year (FY) 2018 - Rhode Island |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
April 13th, 2018 |
Fish Passage Monitoring at Bradford and White Rock Dam Removal Sites; Hurricane Sandy Resiliency Project |
Fish and Wildlife Service |
April 1st, 2018 |
Tortoise Surveys for Natural Resource Protection, Mojave National Preserve |
National Park Service |
March 23rd, 2018 |
SCA Interns for Wildlife Ecology Program |
National Park Service |
March 23rd, 2018 |
Student Conservation Association Park Interpretive Interns |
National Park Service |
March 26th, 2018 |
Conservation Interns at Rayston Lake Project |
Dept of the Army Corps of Engineers |
March 26th, 2018 |
Conservation Interns at Tioga Hammond - Cowanesque Lake |
Dept of the Army Corps of Engineers |
March 21st, 2018 |
Provide Experiential Learning Opportunities in Historic Preservation |
National Park Service |
See Grant Text |
Resource Management Internships for Haleakala National Park |
National Park Service |
See Grant Text |
2018 Channel Islands National Park Landbird Monitoring |
National Park Service |
See Grant Text |
Repair Castle Trail |
National Park Service |
See Grant Text |
Increase Accountability of and Public Access to Bureaus Museum Tree-Ring Specimens |
National Park Service |
April 9th, 2018 |
Shoreline Restoration NSA, Annapolis, Md |
Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
May 11th, 2018 |
Forest Service - Great Lakes RFA 2018 |
Forest Service |
April 30th, 2018 |
Land and Water Conservation Fund State and Local Assistance Program |
National Park Service |
March 16th, 2018 |
Notice of intent: Next Generation Ranger: Trails Maintenance and Creation |
National Park Service |
April 16th, 2018 |
Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) and Environmental Quality Incentives Program (E IP Grant and Coo erative Agreement Funding for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Batch 2- MISSOURI |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
April 4th, 2018 |
Archeological Program Support at Ft. Riley, KS |
Kansas City District |
May 7th, 2018 |
Accelerated implementation of key conservation objectives |
Kentucky State Office |
March 8th, 2018 |
Recovery Efforts for the White Wartyback |
Fish and Wildlife Service |
March 9th, 2018 |
Great Lakes Remote Sensing |
Fish and Wildlife Service |
April 27th, 2018 |
Announcement for Program Funding for NRCS' Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) for Federal fiscal year (FY) 2018 - Pennsylvania |
Natural Resources Conservation Service |
March 8th, 2018 |
Notice of Intent |
Geological Survey |
April 26th, 2018 |
FY 2018 Remote Sensing for Snowpack and Soil Moisture |
Department of Commerce |
April 9th, 2018 |
Conservation Collaborative Agreements |
USDA NRCS MSD Ft Worth Office |
March 4th, 2018 |
Grand Canyon National Park Corridor/Rim Trail Maintenanc |
National Park Service |
March 30th, 2018 |
NRCS Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) |
USDA NRCS MSD Ft Worth Office |