Phase Ii International Clinical, Operational, and Health Services Research Training Awards for Aids and Tuberculosis (Comprehensive Icohrta Aids/Tb)

The summary for the Phase Ii International Clinical, Operational, and Health Services Research Training Awards for Aids and Tuberculosis (Comprehensive Icohrta Aids/Tb) grant is detailed below. This summary states who is eligible for the grant, how much grant money will be awarded, current and past deadlines, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) numbers, and a sampling of similar government grants. Verify the accuracy of the data provides by visiting the webpage noted in the Link to Full Announcement section or by contacting the appropriate person listed as the Grant Announcement Contact. If any section is incomplete, please visit the website for the National Institutes of Health, which is the U.S. government agency offering this grant.
Phase Ii International Clinical, Operational, and Health Services Research Training Awards for Aids and Tuberculosis (Comprehensive Icohrta Aids/Tb): The International Clinical, Operational, and Health Services Research Training Award for AIDS and Tuberculosis (ICOHRTA-AIDS/TB) Program provides extended support for training to foster collaborative, multidisciplinary research in developing country sites where HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) or both are significant problems. As used in this Request for Applications (RFA), the term ICOHRTA-AIDS/TB is broadly defined to encompass building capacity for integrated clinical, operational, and health services research across the full range of conditions and issues that relate to care of adult and pediatric patients with HIV/AIDS or TB (e.g., opportunistic infections, HIV malignancies, neurological and mental health consequences, behavioral issues, cardiovascular disease, hematologic conditions, blood safety issues, pulmonary manifestations, ophthalmologic manifestations, gastrointestinal conditions, drug and alcohol usage, gender-related issues and oral health manifestations). This program is an integral and critical component of a comprehensive global strategy of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to address the needs of the millions suffering from HIV/AIDS, TB, and related conditions in resource- limited nations. It will extend and intensify efforts to provide clinically appropriate and sustainable care to these individuals in a manner that supports continuing and expanding prevention activities. These efforts will have direct health, economic and security benefits for the United States (U.S.), as well as the global community. This program will increase research training across the span of clinical science and public health practice and involve a wide range of health professionals (e.g. nurses, midwives, physicians, dentists, health care administrators and public health workers). The first phase of the ICOHRTA-AIDS/TB program began in fiscal year 2002 (FY02), with one-year planning grants (PA-02-022) to foreign institutions to organize and execute an application for a Phase II Comprehensive ICOHRTA- AIDS/TB Cooperative Agreement. Only the recipients of the Phase I planning grants and their chosen U.S. (or pre-approved non-U.S) collaborating partner institutions (together referred to as Research Training Units) are eligible to apply for Phase II Comprehensive ICOHRTA-AIDS/TB awards, which will begin in fiscal year 2004 (FY04). The Phase II awards to the Research Training Units will provide support to both the foreign institution and its linked U.S. partner (or pre-approved non-U.S.) institution through five-year cooperative agreements to each partner institution. Each partner institution will be responsible for implementation of its portion of the integrated research-training program. Training will take place at the U.S. or foreign sites and mentored research will be carried out mainly at the foreign site. The program may also provide support at the foreign site for training to develop and extend core research support capabilities necessary for long-term sustainability of the research capacity of the foreign institution. In support of the overall ICOHRTA-AIDS/TB program, a separate RFA will be issued in fiscal year 2003 (FY03) to fund a single Coordination Center in FY04 which will help to monitor and evaluate the ICOHRTA-AIDS/TB program research training units and to develop programs to address common capacity building needs across the research training. The Fogarty International Center (FIC), together with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), invites Phase I awardees to submit applications for Phase II cooperative agreements to develop comprehensive international clinical, operational, and health services research training programs. These applications should foster the development of integrated strategies to successfully implement evidence-based interventions pertinent to the global health crises created by HIV/AIDS and TB. Co-sponsoring institutions are U.S. Government (USG) agencies contributing financial resources to the ICOHRTA-AIDS/TB Program. Applicants are strongly encouraged to design programs that strengthen the capacity of the foreign institutions to collaborate with the NIH, USG, other governments, international agencies, non-governmental organizations, foundations, faith- based organizations and other groups in their efforts to respond to this global health crisis.
Federal Grant Title: Phase Ii International Clinical, Operational, and Health Services Research Training Awards for Aids and Tuberculosis (Comprehensive Icohrta Aids/Tb)
Federal Agency Name: National Institutes of Health
Grant Categories: Health
Type of Opportunity: Discretionary
Funding Opportunity Number: RFA-TW-03-003
Type of Funding: Cooperative Agreement
CFDA Numbers: 93.989
CFDA Descriptions: Senior International Fellowships
Current Application Deadline: No deadline provided
Original Application Deadline: Jun 10, 2003
Posted Date: Jan 15, 2003
Creation Date: Jul 10, 2003
Archive Date: Jul 10, 2003
Total Program Funding:
Maximum Federal Grant Award:
Minimum Federal Grant Award:
Expected Number of Awards:
Cost Sharing or Matching: No
Applicants Eligible for this Grant
State governments County governments City or township governments Special district governments Independent school districts Public and State controlled institutions of higher education Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments) Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education Private institutions of higher education For profit organizations other than small businesses Small businesses Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Link to Full Grant Announcement
Information not provided
Grant Announcement Contact
If you have any problems linking to this funding announcement, please contact the NIH OER Webmaster [email protected] NIH OER Webmaster
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