housing Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term housing in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
Business Plan Internships 15.954 P15AS00009
Service Area Competition Additional Area (SAC-AA) Dayton, OH 93.224 HRSA-15-131
Service Area Competition Additional Areas (SAC-AA) Fort Bragg, CA; Torrance, CA; and Minneapolis, MN 93.224 HRSA-15-134
Service Area Competition Additional Area (SAC-AA) Brooklyn (Coney Island), NY 93.224 HRSA-15-132
Service Area Competition Additional Areas (SAC-AA) Baltimore, MD; Gonzales, TX; Los Angeles, CA; and Minneapolis, MN 93.224 HRSA-15-128
NEA Our Town, FY 2015 45.024 2015NEA01OT
Community Based Conservation & Recreation Planning Fellowships 15.921 P14AS00384
Service Area Competition Additional Area (SAC-AA) Brooklyn, NY 93.224 HRSA-15-122
Service Area Competition Additional Area (SAC-AA) Hollis, OK and Oakland, CA 93.224 HRSA-15-120
Justice Involved Women: Developing an Agency Wide Approach 327801 16CS18
Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing Grants 327766 FR-6000-N-08
GIS and data assistance for Dallâ¿¿s sheep population monitoring in Alaskaâ¿¿s national parks and preserves 327689 P16AS00339
Inventory Climate Sensitive Arthropod Biodiversity at Denali NP&P with Citizen Scientists 327069 NPS-DOIP16AC00705
FY2016 Continuum of Care 327033 FR-6000-N-25
Notice of Intent: Promote Research and Preservation on National Park Service Collections 326628 P16AS00270
Enhance Outreach at Parks through Joint Education Programs 324101 P16AS00269
Science of Behavior Change: Use-inspired Basic Research to Optimize Behavior Change Interventions and Outcomes (Admin Supp) 324039, 324075 PA-16-334
Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics Approaches for Nutrition Research (R01) 324037, 324035, 324038, 324036, 324055 PA-16-332
Planning Grant for NINDS Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Disease Research Center Without Walls (R34) 324094, 324122 RFA-NS-16-024
Linking the Provider Recommendation to Adolescent HPV Vaccine Uptake (R01) 324065, 324064, 324083 PAR-16-338
Neurocognitive Effects of Glycemic Dysregulation in Type 1 Diabetes (DP3) 324057, 324045 RFA-DK-16-007
Metabolic Contributions to the Neurocognitive Complications of Diabetes: Ancillary Studies (R01) 324053, 324034 PAR-16-333
Service Area Competition 324033 HRSA-17-050
Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT): Optimization of Therapeutic Lead Compounds (U01) 324027, 324028, 324026, 324025, 324004 PAR-16-331
Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT): Identification of Therapeutic Lead Compounds (U01) 324022, 324023, 324024, 324021, 324003 PAR-16-330
Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) Research Centers of Excellence (U54) 324010, 324011, 324008, 324009, 324017 PAR-16-329
Traditional Healing in Beringia: Using local plant-based medicines, local traditions and cultural history to develop and preserve culturally-relevant traditional healing resources and knowledge. 323997 P16AS00250
Crew to Complete Trail Maintenance on Kontrashabuna Trail at Lake Clark National Park 323996 NPS-DOIP16AC00877
Limited Competition for the Continuation of the Collaborative Islet Transplantation Registry (UC4) 323993, 323982 RFA-DK-16-503
Limited Competition: NIDCR Supplements to NCATS CTSA Programs for Scholars Pursing Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Clinical and Translational Research Career Development (Admin Supp) 323975, 323976 RFA-DE-17-008
Limited Competition: Administrative Supplements to Enhance Network Capacity: Collaborative Opportunities for the CTSA Program (Admin Supp) 323945, 323946 PA-16-328
Evaluating predictive methods and product performance in Healthy Adults for Pediatric Patients, Case Study: Furosemide (U01) 323943 RFA-FD-16-048
Improvement of Animal Models for Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine (R24) 323930, 323927 PAR-16-322
Notice of Intent for Assess Bird Habitat on Cape Sable with National Audubon Society 323928 P16AS00237
Notice of Intent: Research and Preserve Museum Collections 323955 P16AS00241
Bold New Bioengineering Methods and Approaches for Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Disorders and Diseases (R21) 323922, 323920, 323921, 323924, 323923, 323925 RFA-HL-17-015
Advancing Basic Behavioral and Social Research on Resilience: An Integrative Science Approach (UG3/UH3) 323911, 323914, 323915, 323916, 323918, 323917, 323913, 323912, 323919 PAR-16-326
BLM (Eastern States), Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse ONA Artifact Curation, Southeastern States District, Jupiter, FL. 323890 L16AS00186
Biophysical and Biomechanical Aspects of Embryonic Development (R21) 323844, 323845 PAR-16-324
THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS - Accessiblity Modifications to NPS Temporary Visitor Center at Pullman National Monument 323861 NOIP16AC00275
Search Results 8601-8640 of 17930
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