The following government grants in the database contain the term women in the listing.
Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.
Grant Title | CFDA | Funding Number |
OVW FY 2017 Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Program Solicitation |
16.589 |
OVW-2017-11908 |
Research on the Health of Women of Underrepresented, Understudied and Underreported (U3) Populations An ORWH FY17 Administrative Supplement (Admin Supp) |
93.113, 93.121, 93.172, 93.173, 93.233, 93.242, 93.273, 93.279, 93.307, 93.313, 93.350, 93.361, 93.837, 93.838, 93.839, 93.840, 93.847, 93.853, 93.855, 93.856, 93.859, 93.865, 93.867 |
PA-17-101 |
OVW FY 2017 Grants to Enhance Culturally Specific Services for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program Solicitation |
16.016 |
OVW-2017-11903 |
OVW FY 2017 Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Grant Program (also known as the Arrest Program) |
16.590 |
OVW-2017-11921 |
OVW FY 2017 Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program |
16.528 |
OVW-2017-11900 |
OVW FY 2017 Legal Assistance for Victims Grant Program Solicitation |
16.524 |
OVW-2017-11920 |
Alumni Grants Program 2017 |
19.040 |
OVW FY 2017 Consolidated Grant Program to Address Children and Youth Experiencing Domestic and Sexual Assault and Engage Men and Boys as Allies Solicitation |
16.888 |
OVW-2017-11902 |
OVW FY 2017 Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking |
16.736 |
OVW-2017-11820 |
FY17National Lupus Outreach and Clinical Trial Education Program |
93.137 |
MP-CPI-17-002 |
FY17 Partnerships to Achieve Health Equity |
93.137 |
MP-CPI-17-001 |
FY17 Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Safety Research of Currently Recommended Immunizations in the United States and Other Vaccine Prototypes |
93.344 |
NV-VSR-17-001 |
Implementation Science for the Prevention and Treatment of Mental and/or Substance use Disorders in Low- and Middle-income Countries (U01) |
93.242, 93.279 |
RFA-MH-17-650 |
OVW FY 2017 Training and Technical Assistance to Support Grantee Reporting |
16.526 |
OVW-2017-11965 |
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part D Coordinated HIV Services and Access to Research for Women, Infants, Children, and Youth (WICY) Existing Geographic Service Areas |
93.153 |
HRSA-17-039 |
OVW FY 2017 Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program |
16.024 |
OVW-2017-11802 |
FY17 Announcement of Anticipated Availability of Funds for Support for Expectant and Parenting Teens, Women, Fathers, and Their Families |
93.500 |
AH-SP1-17-001 |
OVW FY 2017 Sexual Assault Services Culturally Specific Program Solicitation |
16.023 |
OVW-2017-11907 |
OVW FY 2017 Grants for Outreach and Services to Underserved Populations Program |
16.889 |
OVW-2017-11922 |
OVW FY 2017 Training and Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program |
16.529 |
OVW-2017-11901 |
Cancer Prevention and Control Programs for State, Territorial, and Tribal Organizations |
93.898 |
CDC-RFA-DP17-1701 |
Administrative Supplement for Research on Sex/Gender Influences (Admin Supp) |
93.113, 93.121, 93.172, 93.173, 93.213, 93.242, 93.273, 93.279, 93.286, 93.307, 93.313, 93.351, 93.361, 93.393, 93.394, 93.395, 93.396, 93.399, 93.846, 93.847, 93.853, 93.855, 93.856, 93.859, 93.865, 93.866, 93.867, 93.879 |
PA-17-078 |
2017 U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) Small Grants Competition |
19.025 |
Small Grants Program for International Exchange Alumni |
19.040 |
PAS-SGP-FY17-001 |
HIV and AIDS Community Grants Program |
19.029 |
OVW FY 2017 Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction |
16.025 |
OVW-2017-11906 |
Annual Program Statement - Public Diplomacy Programs with Chile |
19.040 |
OVW FY 2017 Justice for Families Program |
16.021 |
OVW-2017-11923 |
Women's Small Business Mentoring Program in Southern Iraq |
19.021 |
DOS-BAGHDAD-PD-2017-001 |
U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation |
16.582, 16.583, 16.587, 16.596, 16.608, 16.710, 16.731 |
DOJ-2017-4997 |
Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science |
47.041, 47.049, 47.050, 47.070, 47.074, 47.075, 47.076, 47.083 |
17-522 |
Inspiring Young Women to Join the Workplace |
19.021 |
PA17-002 |
Promoting the Human Rights of Women and Girls, Persons with Disabilities, and LGBTI Persons |
19.345 |
DRLA-DRLAQM-17-037 |
Economic Support Fund-small Grants Programs |
19.900 |
Women's Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Program (WVETP) |
59.044 |
WVETP-2017-01 |
Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program CFDA Number 84.120A |
84.120 |
ED-GRANTS-102116-001 |
Maternal and Child Environmental Health Network |
93.110 |
HRSA-17-081 |
FY17 Nancy Foster Scholarship Program |
11.429 |
NOAA-NOS-ONMS-2017-2005070 |
Evaluations to Improve Prevention Interventions Under the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) |
93.067 |
RFA-GH-17-001 |
U.S. Embassy Seoul PAS Annual Program Statement |
19.040 |
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