women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
Opportunity PA-06-543 93.121 PA-06-543
Drug Abuse Dissertation Research: Epidemiology, Prevention, Treatment, Services, and Women and Sex/Gender Differences (R36) 93.279 PAR-06-476
Opportunity PA-06-377 93.226 PA-06-377
Opportunity PA-06-334 93.242 PA-06-334
Preterm Birth in Nulliparous Women: An Understudied Population at Great Risk (U10) 93.865 RFA-HD-08-029
Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Network Center (U54) 93.310 RFA-RM-08-022
Opportunity PA-08-191 93.113 PA-08-191
Opportunity GTIP-08-GR-001-GLB-112808 00.000 GTIP-08-GR-001-GLB-112808
OVW FY 2009 Legal Assistance for Victims 16.524 OVW-2009-1992
OVW FY 2009 Transitional Housing Assistance Grants for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, or Sexual Assault Program 16.736 OVW-2009-1991
OVW FY 2009 Enhanced Training and Services to End Violence Against and Abuse of Women Later in Life Program 16.528 OVW-2009-1987
Opportunity RFA306-09-0500 98.001 RFA306-09-0500
OVW FY 2009 Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program 16.590 OVW-2009-1927
Public Opinion Research/Darfur 00.000 AFSPG-09-CA-001-WHA-081103
Healthy Start Initiative-Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Disparities 93.926 HRSA-09-130
Disparities in Perinatal Health-Border, Alaska and Hawaii 93.926 HRSA-09-131
Creative and Sustainable TV Series for Broadcast on pan Arab satellite channels RPPR-09-AW-001-NEA-101008
Enhancing Access to Quality HIV Care for Women of Color 1) Demonstrations Sites and 2) Evaluation and Technical Assisance Center 93.928 HRSA-09-126
Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowships WWICS002
Family History for Prenatal Providers 93.110 HRSA-09-140
Opportunity SP-09-001 93.243 SP-09-001
Women's Health Cooperative Agreement Violence Against Women Pilot Program 93.933 HHS-2008-IHS-PHN-0002
Women's Health Women's Health Demonstration Cooperative Agreement Program 93.933 HHS-2008-IHS-PHN-0003
Empowering Pakistan: Jobs 98.001 391-08-033
Opportunity NEAPI-08-CA-011-MENA-071508 19.500 NEAPI-08-CA-011-MENA-071508
Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program (FY09) 11.427 NMFS-FHQ-2009-2001464
2009 Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside 11.454 NMFS-NEFSC-2009-2001472
2009 Monkfish Research Set-Aside 11.454 NMFS-NEFSC-2009-2001478
Opportunity USDA-FNS-SSNPWIC-08 10.557 USDA-FNS-SSNPWIC-08
FY2008 Discretionary Grants for the Family Violence Prevention and Services Program 93.592 HHS-2008-ACF-ACYF-EV-0066
Women's Business Center Program Renewable Grant 59.043 OWBO-2008-031
Public-Private Alliances to Improve Women's Health by Addressing Primary Causes of Morbidity and Mortality during Reproductive Years 98.001 USAID-M-OAA-GRO-EGAS-08-108
Retirement Planning Assistance for Women 93.048 HHS-2008-AOA-CONT-PN
Youth Filmmaking Project PRMTR-07-GR-001-EUR-040708
Public-Private Alliances Related to Child and Maternal Health in Kosovo - Modification 98.011 M-OAA-GRO-EGAS-08-108-KOSOVO
Opportunity VA-GPD-2008-PDO 64.024 VA-GPD-2008-PDO
Opportunity VA-GPD-2008-CG 64.024 VA-GPD-2008-CG
Transforming Sierra Leone: Linking Democratic Governance, Economic Growth And Natural Resource Management, While Empowering Women And Youth And Building Institutional Capacities 98.001 636-08-0003
Program Research for Strengthening Services (PROGRESS) M-OAA-GH-POP-08-176
Office of Women's Business Ownership Program Announcement 59.043 OWBO-2008-029
Search Results 4121-4160 of 4758
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