women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
Women's Business Center 326639 OWBO-2016-01
EMPOWER: Increasing Economic and Social Empowerment for Adolescent Girls and Vulnerable Women in Zambia 323990 FOA-ILAB-16-12
Africa - Women, Peace, and Security (AF-WPS) Initiative FY 2016 323733 AFPG-AFEPS-16-001
Safety and Outcome Measures of Pain Medications Used in Children and Pregnant Women (R21) 323693, 323672 PA-16-312
Safety and Outcome Measures of Pain Medications Used in Children and Pregnant Women (R01) 323689, 323670 PA-16-311
Safety and Outcome Measures of Pain Medications Used in Children and Pregnant Women (R03) 323673, 323674 PA-16-313
Global Network for Womens and Childrens Health Research Data Coordinating Center (U24) 323436, 323437 RFA-HD-17-010
Native American Research Centers for Health (NARCH) (S06) 323185, 323209, 323212, 323184, 323211, 323208, 323186, 323214, 323187, 323213, 323210, 323215, 323216 PAR-16-297
Factors Underlying Differences in Female and Male Presentation for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Diseases and Conditions (R21) 323200, 323199, 323201, 323182 PA-16-296
Factors Underlying Differences in Female and Male Presentation for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Diseases and Conditions (R01) 323197, 323195, 323196, 323198 PA-16-295
Limited Interaction Targeted Epidemiology (LITE) to Advance HIV Prevention (UG3/UH3) 323114, 323116, 323115, 323117 RFA-AI-16-031
Inclusion for Peace Activity 323072 RFA-514-16-000005
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp) 323030, 323038, 323049, 323052, 323032, 323054, 323035, 323045, 323037, 323048, 323043, 323039, 323033, 323029, 323046, 323053, 323040, 323042, 323031, 323044, 323036, 323041, 323050, 323051, 323047, 323026, 323027, 323028, 323034, 323007 PA-16-288
Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers (Admin Supp) 323011, 323023, 322961, 322957, 323014, 323013, 322964, 323022, 323009, 323017, 322965, 322966, 322960, 322958, 323025, 322956, 323008, 322959, 323015, 323018, 322955, 322962, 322963, 322967, 323016, 323010, 323020, 323021, 323019, 323024, 322954, 32 PA-16-289
Successor-in-Interest (Type 6 Parent) 322941, 322992, 322970, 322996, 322977, 322999, 322994, 322982, 322998, 322973, 322993, 322971, 322968, 322978, 322943, 322945, 322940, 322942, 322946, 322969, 322990, 322976, 322991, 322987, 322975, 322979, 322989, 322995, 322972, 322974, 323001, 32 PA-16-286
Change of Grantee Organization (Type 7 Parent) 322839, 322841, 322863, 322871, 322866, 322873, 322851, 322864, 322854, 322845, 322848, 322865, 322846, 322858, 322847, 322842, 322833, 322840, 322836, 322834, 322832, 322867, 322870, 322853, 322844, 322852, 322855, 322849, 322856, 322868, 322872, 32 PA-16-285
Comprehensive Platform for Integrated Communication Initiative (CPICI) 322803 RFA-621-16-000003
Strengthening Capacity of Regional Non-Governmental and Civil Society Organizations in Afghanistan 322810 SCAKAB-16-CA-012-SCA-05242016
Fogarty Global Health Training Program (D43) 322752, 322750, 322749, 322751, 322741 RFA-TW-16-002
Empowering Women through Entrepreneurship in Tunisia 322708 NEAAC-ACMEPI-16-009
Announcement of Availability of Funds for a Training and Technical Assistance Project to Support the Title X Family Planning Program 322633 PA-FPT-16-002
BD2K Open Educational Resources for Skills Development in Biomedical Big Data Science (R25) 322611, 322616, 322608, 322612, 322617, 322567, 322625, 322622, 322621, 322624, 322613, 322610, 322627, 322618, 322620, 322619, 322615, 322614, 322628, 322623, 322626, 322609, 322629 RFA-HG-16-016
EMPOWER: Increasing Economic and Social Empowerment for Adolescent Girls and Vulnerable Women in Zambia 322540 NOI-ILAB-16-12
Notice of Funding Availability for the Southeast Region SBTRC 322479 USDOT-OST-OSDBU-SBTRCSOUTHEAST-2016-1
Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R01) 322471, 322477, 322469, 322476, 322475, 322470, 322474, 322473, 322472, 322478 PAR-16-260
Methodology and Measurement in the Behavioral and Social Sciences (R21) 322447, 322446, 322468, 322444, 322440, 322443, 322441, 322442, 322445, 322463 PAR-16-261
Notice of Funding Availability for the Mid South Atlantic Region SBTRC 322429 SBTRCMIDSOUTHATLANTIC-2016-1
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Building Care and Prevention Capacity: Addressing the HIV Care Continuum in Southern Metropolitan Areas 322336 HRSA-16-187
OVW FY 2016 Grants to Tribal Governments to Exercise Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction 322160 OVW-2016-10120
FY 2016 Notice of Funding Opportunity for NGO programs benefiting displaced and conflict-affected persons in Armenia and Georgia 322176 PRM-PRMOAPEU-16-003
Small Business Development Centers in Central America 322076 WHAP-WHAAQPPC-16-004
Strengthening Law Enforcement's Partnerships with Women's Justice Centers 322068 INL-16CA0036-WHPMEXICO-05062016
Leadership Training for People of Color Living with HIV 321999 HRSA-16-186
Paid Leave Analysis Grants 321979 FOA-WB-16-01
BD2K Mentored Career Development Award in Biomedical Big Data Science for Clinicians and Doctorally Prepared Scientists (K01) 321904, 321911, 321918, 321908, 321923, 321901, 321898, 321909, 321919, 321921, 321913, 321906, 321915, 321916, 321895, 321914, 321896, 321899, 321897, 321907, 321900, 321924, 321922, 321905, 321903, 321917, 321910, 321902, 321920, 321912, 321925 RFA-ES-16-002
BD2K Mentored Career Development Award in Biomedical Big Data Science for Intramural Investigators (K22) 321879, 321872, 321886, 321869, 321883, 321885, 321870, 321868, 321882, 321878, 321876, 321827, 321875, 321884, 321880, 321877, 321871, 321873, 321881, 321874, 321851 RFA-ES-16-003
Advancing the development and licensure of vaginal rings and innovative systemic methods for prevention of HIV infection in women 321720 APS-OAA-16-000002
Personal Responsibility Education Program Innovative Strategies 321710 HHS-2016-ACF-ACYF-AP-1153
Small Business Regional Training 321666 WHAP-WHAAQPPC-16-002
WEAmericas Accelerator 321665 WHAP-WHAAQPPC-16-003
Search Results 2441-2480 of 4827
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