women Grant Search

The following government grants in the FederalGrants.com database contain the term women in the listing.

Grants are sorted newest to oldest. Select a grant title to view the complete details, including information on who to contact and how to apply.




 Grant TitleCFDAFunding Number
National Program to Eliminate Diabetes-Related Disparities in Vulnerable Populations 93.283 CDC-RFA-DP-10-1001
Part D: Coordinated HIV Services and Access to Research for Women, Infant, Children and Youth 93.153 HRSA-10-203
Act Against AIDS Leadership Initiative (AAALI) 93.118 CDC-RFA-PS10-1057
Small Grants to Libraries: Louisa May Alcott, The Woman Behind Little Women 45.164 20100730-LA
Vulvodynia - Systematic Epidemiologic, Etiologic or Therapeutic Studies (R21) 93.865 PAR-10-192
Vulvodynia - Systematic Epidemiologic, Etiologic or Therapeutic Studies (R03) 93.865 PAR-10-191
Vulvodynia - Systematic Epidemiologic, Etiologic or Therapeutic Studies (R01) 93.865 PAR-10-190
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Public Health Reporting by Hospital Laboratories Cooperative Agreement Program 93.729 CDC-RFA-HK10-1002ARRA10
Occupational Safety and Health Research (R01) 93.262 PAR-10-188
Funded Community Health Centers and Title X Programs 93.283 CDC-RFA-DD10-1006
First Time Motherhood/New Parents Initiative 93.110 HRSA-10-035
Teenage Pregnancy Prevention: Integrating Services, Programs, and Strategies through Community-wide Initiatives 93.297 CDC-RFA-DP10-1009
Opportunity USDOT-OST-OSDBU-SBTRC2010-3 20.910 USDOT-OST-OSDBU-SBTRC2010-3
Opportunity PRM-ECA-10-CA-SA-05042010-2-AFGHAN 19.519 PRM-ECA-10-CA-SA-05042010-2-AFGHAN
Opportunity PRM-ECA-10-CA-SA-05042010-AFGHAN 19.519 PRM-ECA-10-CA-SA-05042010-AFGHAN
Increase Awareness of Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia (ACD) Among Health Care Providers 93.073 CDC-RFA-DD10-1008
Surveillance of Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) and Other Birth Defects in Low and Middle Income Countries 93.073 CDC-RFA-DD10-1010
Opportunity PMRTR-10-GR-003-EUR-042810 PMRTR-10-GR-003-EUR-042810
Urban Networks to Increase Thriving Youth through Violence Prevention (UNITY) II 93.136 CDC-RFA-CE10-1003
Office of Violence Against Women Grant 16.014 OVW-2010-2724
Jail-based Integration of HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)/Hepatitis Screening, Hepatitis B Vaccination, and Linkage to Care and Treatment 93.241 CDC-RFA-PS10-10162
TechWomen 19.415 ECA-PE-C-10-55
Women And Minorities In Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS) 10.318 USDA-NIFA-WAMS-003137
Community Infrastructure Development Program 98.001 RFA294-2010-113
Development and Dissemination of Evidence-Based Clinical Care Guidelines for Muscular Dystrophies 93.184 CDC-RFA-DD10-1012
Knowledge Synthesis Center for Evaluating Genomic Application in Practice and Prevention (U18) 93.068 RFA-GD-10-001
Pelvic Floor Disorders Network Clinical Sites (U10) 93.865 RFA-HD-10-002
Pelvic Floor Disorders Network Data Coordinating Center (U01) 93.865 RFA-HD-10-024
Opportunity AH-TP2-10-001 93.297 AH-TP2-10-001
National Charcot-Marie-Tooth Resource Center 93.184 CDC-RFA-DD10-1014
Opportunity SM-10-015 93.243 SM-10-015
Afghan Women's Empowerment Grants Program 1
Opportunity SINLEC10GR0004NEA04022010 00.000 SINLEC10GR0004NEA04022010
Innovative Approaches to Promoting A Healthy Weight and Mental Wellness in Women 93.110 5-H59-10-001
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Grant 93.940 CDC-RFA-PS10-10138
Research and Evaluation on Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Teen Dating Violence NIJ-2010-2433
Attorney Generals Children Exposed to Violence Demonstration Program: Phase I 16.730 OJJDP-2010-2600
PRM NGO Projects in Thailand, Bangladesh and Malaysia 19.511 PRM-ANE-10-CA-EA-03312010-TH-BGD-MYA
Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (WANTO) 17.201 SGA-DFA-PY-09-03
National Folic Acid Promotion Program 93.184 CDC-RFA-DD10-1009
Search Results 3721-3760 of 4758
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